

Funny parenting memes, kids, parents, mom, dad.

25 Funny Parenting Memes From This Week That Are Sure to Keep All Moms’ and Dads’ Sanity Intact... For Now

They are the most precious thing to use, and yet they will also be the end of us...
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Funniest Tweets About Pointless Yet Increasingly Dramatic Fights That Take Place Between Siblings

Funniest Tweets About Pointless Yet Increasingly Dramatic Fights That Take Place Between Siblings

The most dramatic of feuds
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 13, 2022)

One of the things that uniquely strikes me about parenthood is the fact that you are wholly responsible for another human being. As it currently childless early 20s something, I can barely take care of myself let alone another living person. The thing that baffles me about parenthood is that you have to buy twice the amount of stuff then you would if you were just by yourself. If you’re going for a nice evening out at the Golden Corral, you have to buy a meal for yourself and for your child. To…
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newest and funniest parenting memes

The Funniest Parenting Memes of the Week (October 7, 2022)

You probably didn't even get to drink your coffee while it was still hot today—you deserve a memes break.
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 6, 2022)

It's hard to be a parent; one of the hardest things about parenting is that your kid needs to be constantly supervised. If you can't afford fancy childcare, that means brining your child basically everywhere you go, which is stressful for everyone involved. Even without everything else that comes with a trip to the store or the doctors office, physically getting kids from point A to point B is a feat that I salute parents for being able to accomplish. But then there's the hostility that so many…
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Funny tweets about loser who says kids shouldn't high five

'Here's why you shouldn't high-five a child' - Anti High-Five Parenting Op-Ed Inspires Ridicule on Twitter

Op-eds can really go either way. We've been known to love a thoughtful political editorial, or a piece that decries how reliant we are on the internet. Parenting editorials, however, tend to make us cringe. Every parent considers themselves an expert, but even the experts have been known to get it dreadfully wrong. This is especially true in the case of a peculiar piece from “family psychologist” John Rosemond. The piece in question was published recently in the Omaha World-Herald, and is recei…
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Funniest Tweets From Parents About Their Kids’ Unforgettable School Field Trips

Funniest Tweets From Parents About Their Kids’ Unforgettable School Field Trips

Field trips are either the best or the worst, and if you're a parent you can take a guess for yourself
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A compilation of funny tweets about kids and parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (September 29, 2022)

I've seen many wild takes from parents online, but none wilder than young moms bragging about having kids in their late teens and early twenties. I can't count the number of times I've seen someone say, "when you're 40, you'll be dropping your kids off at pre-school; When I'm 40, I'll be at the club partying." I feel like 22-year-old moms make that statement to rationalize why they can no longer party. These posts fail to recognize that parenting is a lifelong duty that you're never done with.…
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Nostalgia Overload: Funniest Memes About Insane 90's Childhood Memories

Nostalgia Overload: Funniest Memes About Insane 90's Childhood Memories

If you recognize any of these, it's time for an eye cream
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Gross parents talk on their podcast about how they don't bathe their children regularly

Disgusting Parents Brag About Not Bathing Their Kids

If you've ever been around children , you know that every kid is somehow exceptionally filthy. They run around all day, eat with their hands, roll in the dirt, and stick their fingers in their mouth. Basically everything about children leads you to believe that they are the grossest demographic around. Young kids are at that tender age where they need the adults in their lives to instruct them on how to not be the most disgusting filthy pigs in the world. Unfortunately, some parents are too inc…
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A compilation of memes about teachers, teaching, school and students

Teacher Memes For Educational Professionals

Well… back to school season is officially over. The novelty of new classes and the burgeoning fall semester has more than wore off, and teachers and students are finally back at the old grind. If you are a teacher, you've probably got an idea of how the rest of the school year is going to go down. Or do you? You might think you've got a pretty solid read on your new classes, but who knows! There's a lot of days in between now and June. This school year hold so many possibilities. But then again…
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Funny memes, parenting, parenting tweets, children, tweets about the memories of children, kids

Funny Parenting Tweets About the Cruelly Unforgiving Memories Of Children

They remember EVERYTHING.
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funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Past Week

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Past Week

A sense of humor is necessary when parenting
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Reddit post about crazy Karen who demands person gets out of elevator for her and her seven children

Crazy Karen Demands Everyone Gets Out of Elevator to Make Room For Her 7 Children

The hallmark trait of a Karen is entitlement. Most Karen's wants to control every person around them, even if they is making the most demanding and absurd request. Not only do they believe the world revolves around them, but they are going to ensure that everyone around them knows they think the world revolves around them and make it the public's problem. One of the worst breeds of Karen's are those who demand you inconvenience yourself for them and their spoiled rotten kids . They yell at rest…
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A list of tweets about Nick Cannon's newest child and his proclivity for breeding.

Funniest Tweets About Nick Cannon's Wild Fatherhood Habits as He Welcomes His 9th Baby to the World

Nick Cannon is still “Wild 'N Out”
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Mom Attacked Online for Allowing Her Children to Start Cooking and Chopping Veggies Under her Supervision

Woman Called a 'Terrible Mother' for Allowing Her Children to Cook and Chop Vegetables Under her Supervision

Some people are so bored
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