

Funny and sad anti-Valentine's Day memes | bernie sanders fundraising campaign presidential candidate once again asking for your financial support no one I am once again asking are mad at me. spongebob crying while surrounded by heart emojis gotta end shit with favorite toxic person

Kinda Depressing Posts For Those Who Hate Valentine's Day

Memes for you sad sacks.
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Funny memes about romance for Valentine's Day | two fingers using a tiny weight lifting machine: preparing Valentine's day. spongebob squarepants worshiping bowing before a blank sign with the writing: amazing personality

Sixteen Romantic Memes Full Of Sassy Comedy

Memes for the cuffed.
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Funny memes about 2020 and the new year, resolutions | man in a shirt that reads "i have given up" holding white balloons. New year new me. plague doctor mask: 2020 is here but realize 1720, 1820 and 1920 had massive plague outbreaks Looks like plague's back on menu boys!

Sixteen Fresh 2020 Memes To Get The Year Started Right

Happy New Year!
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Funny video of a baby sneezing along to the song 'Auld Lang Syne' for New Years

Video Of A Baby Sneezing Along To 'Auld Lang Syne'

Should auld acquaintance be forgot!
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Funny memes about the end of the decade, new years, 2020, funny tweets | confused math lady: wondering year 2000 20 years ago and wtf happened last 2 decades. and boys at start decade and boys at end decade.

Fifteen New Years Memes To Mark The End Of The Decade

Happy New Year!
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funny tweets | tweet by UnFitz as young teen: Can't wait until old enough go out on New Years Eve now: l'd rather swim raw sewage than go out on New Years Eve

Tasty Tweets For Scrolling Your Life Away

Nothing matters.
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Funny meme that reads, "If you start Avengers: Endgame on December 31st at exactly 9:30:30, Tony Stark will snap his fingers and sacrifice himself at exactly midnight January 1st, thus saving the universe from annihilation RIP" above a still of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark
Via TheMonking42


Funny meme that reads, "Before the holidays vs. after the holidays" above pics of a regular-sized stormtrooper next to a fat stormtrooper
Via anlyin

Don't Judge Me, Jerk

Funny tweet that reads, "Quit side-eyeing my Santa hat. I once left my tree up til April."
Via anlyin

These Are Confusing Times

Funny cartoon meme about how confusing the week between Christmas and New Years is | stick figures representing Christmas mood during December: festive, and mood between Christmas and new years: confused, full of cheese, unsure of the day of the week
Via anlyin


funny meme about britney spears using gift bags instead of wrapping presents | sincere respect and admiration to anyone especially one with unlimited resources who says screw it, shove it all in gift bags
Via @memebase
funny random memes, funny tweets, relatable memes, relatable tweets | spongebob meme Professor: Attendence isn't requ- Half class: IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT. Bomboclaat Dad Remind Message Decline Accept toju_lad Conversation will be 42 seconds max

Tasty Memes To Fulfill Your Time-Wasting Dreams

It's okay to procrastinate sometimes.
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Funny Twitter thread about a woman who wrote a choose-your-own-adventure book for her sister for Christmas | juliaprescott My sister is perpetually late every social function her life. So Christmas naturally made her choose own adventure: CHOOSE OWN ADVENTURE STAR STOKY! MIT HONESTLY MOSTOF THESE END SAME WAY. WILL KATI ARRIVE ON TIME? BY JULIA PRESCOTT ILLUSIRATED BY MIKE L. MAYFIELD. Here's back: WILL ARRIVE ON TIME bathroom is time vortex place future scholars will study as proof

Woman Gives Chronically Tardy Sister A Clever Christmas Gift

This is way too good!
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Funny Christmas tweets | tweet by BoogTweets Imagine finding lists with kids names and addresses some old guys house titled naughty and nice and not calling cops

24 Clever Christmas Tweets That'll Fill You With Holiday Cheer

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Pro Tip

Funny meme that reads, "Xmas tip: put your boyfriend at the side of your family in case you need to remove him later" above an illustration of a family photo with the boyfriend on the side being cut out of it
Via ColdCenturion

Well That Works

Funny meme that reads, "Nativity scene on a budget" above a pic of a bunch of Coke cans and a pack of Camel cigarettes inside a cardboard box
Via WanderingUterus