

Funny history memes, lol, european history, war | MOND HEAL PA ALACK dy Saps tekst FLEX 'APE Naming colonial settlement British colonists 01BAL LACK "New" | cat: meo- ancient Egyptians blessing Lord!

Mostly-Fresh History Memes For Scholarly Scrollers

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A compilation of generally nerdy nerd memes about history, science, dungeons and dragons, and animals.

Nerdy Memes For Well Rounded Intellectuals

What does it mean to be a nerd ? We're certainly in a golden age of nerdiness; nerds are by no means such a prominent subject of ridicule as they were in the 80s. We've got way worse new groups like incels to take the brunt of criticism for being lame. Now, it seems like everybody wants to be a nerd, or at least everybody thinks they're a nerd. This might be partly caused by superhero movie fans thinking that liking Iron Man makes them part of a class of esoteric nerds that only the most intell…
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Weird and surprising facts that don't seem real, but they are, true facts that sound like lies, fake

Fake-Sounding Facts That Are Certified Legit

The more you know.
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A compilation of Art History themed memes

Art History Memes For Masters of Realism

If you think about it, paintings were the original memes . Past painters made realistic depictions of people with all sorts of intentions in mind. Portraits, depictions of rural life, images from literature: whatever they meant to people in the 1800s doesn't matter that much. Now, they are prime fodder for memes. The expressions made by people in paintings are objectively funny. Their exaggerated or intentionally demure vibes make them the perfect subject for relatable memes. Even though I'm no…
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List of memes about history.

History Memes That May Launch You Back In Time

Unless you were blessed enough to go to school when “cool” gen X teachers used memes in their lectures while desperately trying to connect with the youngsters, it's novel to see memes used educationally. History and memes have some exciting things in common. Memes and history are constantly repeating themselves. Image macros Historical events occur, and most of them are quickly forgotten, with only a few juggernauts sticking in the public memory. If someone ran up to you on the street and asked
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A list of nerdy memes that cover natural science, world history, dinosaurs, and philosophy all with a funny twist.

A Dinosaur-Heavy Dump of Nerdy Memes

Dinosaurs might have gone extinct, but Dino memes are forever.
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the simpsons, cartoons, history, ancient history, characters, interesting, weird

Hair-Raising Thread Sees 'Simpsons' Fans Find Iconic Characters in Historical Art

Like the prophecy foretold
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Interesting video about Lord of the Rings African history, tolkien

Fascinating Video Suggests J.R.R. Tolkien Borrowed From African History While Writing His Tales of Middle-earth

There's no shortage of discourse concerning race and Amazon's just-released series, T he Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The program, which has premiered to largely favorable reviews, introduces characters of color to T olkien's stories - a move that has sadly led to a ton of backlash, even in what are normally lighthearted meme communities. It seems that quite a few fans of Tolkien's work happen to think that there were no people of color in his world - allegedly because the tales were…
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ancient history, history memes, classical studies, classical studies memes, funny memes, dank memes, greek mythology, ancient rome, hellenistic memes, memes, funny, lol, history

Hellenistic Memes for Ancient History Geeks

The socratic philosophers of ancient Greece weren't so different from us. If Diogenes were alive today, he'd probably be subtweeting Plato about his subpar interpretation of Socrates, and virtue signaling about his choice to live in poverty with stray dogs. Kanye and Kim's toxic relationship is just a contemporary version of Zeus and Hera. It's no wonder memes about classics and ancient history are popular—humans haven't really change that much. If you have a taste for history and humor, we've…
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A compilation of nerdy memes about Star Trek and Lord of the Rings

Nerdy Memes For Those Who Don't Not Identify With Young Sheldon

“You employed the use of a double negative in the title of this article. It shows a command of the English language that is subpar at best and frightening at worst.” If some variation of that thought ran through your head when you read this headline, you're a regular Young Sheldon. Or you're adult Sheldon; knowing pedantic weirdos, you're probably an adult Sheldon. Young Sheldon is at least cute enough to find slightly bemusing, but regular old elder millennial Sheldon can be a real irritating…
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Funny random memes and tweets, humor

A Handful of Spicy History and Anime Meme Mashups

Hello, hello, hello. We here at Memebase have got some good news for history enthusiasts who also happen to be people of culture. And if you're truly a man of culture you'll know we're talking about those of us who enjoy anime. Thanks to the incredibly specific r/HistoryAnimemes community, there's a relatively unknown hub of hilarious and spicy history meme/ anime meme mashups—basically the best of both worlds. As is the case with most history memes, some of them are a bit depressing or spicy i…
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A Twitter thread of people discussion which colors they associate with which subject in school

People Debate Which Color Folder Correlates To Which Subjects in School

When you're in high school, you have very little freedom. One of the few choices you can make for yourself is which trapper keeper you get from Staples. This is a critical decision, as that multiuse binder won't break for at least three years, so you better make the right choice. The question of “which binder color should I choose for which subject” was never one that phased me. I simply picked the binders with the prettiest colors and chose which subjects they were for based on ambiguous vibes…
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Funny history memes, dank history memes, stupid memes, european history, world history, war

A Handful of History Memes for Buffs With a Sense of Humor

It is time for a history lesson! Do you know anything about the origin of the memes you consume to make life more tolerable? The truth is that memes aren't just funny pictures you find on Reddit or Memebase. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins originally introduced the term "meme" back in 1976, and it obviously had nothing to do with the internet A meme, by Dawkins' definition (via the Oxford Dictionary) is "An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another…
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Funny history memes, dank history memes, humor, lol

The Best Fresh History Memes We've Seen This Week (8/10/2022)

There are many memes that leave a person with zero questions. Those relatable work memes , anything hyper-topical, parenting memes. They're all pretty self-explanatory. Work sucks, bosses are terrible, parenting leads to lack of sleep, we all know the drill. We'd be remiss to not include that dogs and cats are cute. When the basicness of these memes gets to be dull, or we actually want to use our brains, we turn to history memes. While we're not history dunces, we can hardly pretend to be histo…
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A compilation of random memes that contain fun history and science jokes.

Memes That Educate And Entertain

The 1990s was the golden age of edutainment. I might be a little biased, but I wholeheartedly believe that The Magic School Bus and Bill Nye The Science Guy are the only reasons that there are any Millennial and Generation Z scientists. If your 5th-grade science teacher rolled out a big fat TV on a questionably secure cart, you knew you would have a fantastic day of learning (and not being able to get the Bill Nye theme song out of your head). Although the 90s produced some of the best edutainm…
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A compilation of nerdy and geeky memes.

Geeky Memes For Smart People

Let's be honest: not all memes are for everyone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some memes contain layers of esoteric knowledge reserved for only the nerdiest among us. Being a nerd comes in so many different forms. Nerds can be straight-A students who have devoted their lives to exceeding academically. Nerds can also be pedantic fans of science fiction or fantasy franchises like Star Trek or Lord of The Rings. But y'all already knew that. Everyone is a nerd for something; We all have…
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