

millennial daughter pranks her boomer mom by sneaking an old random photo of a woman onto the mantel with their family photos

Millennial Daughter Hilariously Sends Boomer Mom Into an Existential Crisis After Sneaking Random Photo of Woman She Found at Goodwill Into Their Family Picture Collection

The long tradition of kids messing with their aging parents is alive and strong.
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"What are These Thrift Stores Smoking?": Overpriced Goodwill is Called Out on TikTok and Viewers are Appalled by Their Pricing

"What are These Thrift Stores Smoking?": Overpriced Goodwill is Called Out on TikTok and Viewers are Appalled by Their Pricing

An empty glass jar that definitely used to be marinara sauce for $5???
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thread, twitter thread, twitter, ethics, viral tweets, morals, goodwill, charity, money, funny tweets, morality

People Argue About Whether Keeping Found Money is Ethical in Divided Thread

When I was a teenager, some friends and I were hanging out in a park one evening when we came across a wallet sitting in the grass. We opened it up to see if there was an ID and sure enough, there was, along with sixty bucks. We all agreed to bring it to the local precinct, but first we had a little fun and tossed it in a circle like a football. We briefly entertained the idea of keeping the cash, as any teenager would. But in the end, we did the right thing and turned the wallet in. I think in
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