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Gen Z vs. Millennial vs. Boomer: Woke TikToker calls out cringey generational feuds that make some ageists draw a line in the sand, hilarity ensues

And as always, Gen X (the forgotten middle child of society) isn't even mentioned
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A compilation of memes about Generation X

Generation X Memes For The Whatever Generation

If there's anything that Generation X is known for, it's for being the best generation of angsty teenagers. Sure, Baby Boomers had their hippie streak, but everything they've done since has been so chronically uncool it's basically ruined their generational reputation. Millennials are, for the most part, kind of try-hards. They were not particularly known for being rebellious youths on all but one front: teen pregnancy. Nobody did pregnancy pacts like Millennials, and as a member of Gen Z , I r…
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'I Can't Relate': Crisp Gen Z Customs That Make No Sense to Millennials

'I Can't Relate': Crisp Gen Z Customs That Make No Sense to Millennials

Generational gaps are frankly hilarious because as the years go on, and the older we millennials get, we begin to understand our elder's frustration with us. How does this come about? Well, it begins with a seemingly normal day; you're on your way to work, and stop to get your morning coffee at your local cafe, when suddenly your ears begin ringing. Thinking to yourself in caps letters, you turn your head to glare at whatever is making that noise. The person making the noise is quite a vision.…
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A story about a Boomer getting yelled at for telling a young job hunter that young people are too lazy to get jobs

Boomer Accuses Younger Job Hunter of Laziness, Gets Yelled At In Public

Anyone who has applied for a job in the past couple of years knows it's a very tricky process. So much goes into job hunting, and it's not as simple as being the most qualified person for a position. Job interviews sometimes feel like they're taking place in an alternate reality; how you articulate yourself must be carefully curated to make you sound like a good worker. It's unnatural, but it's a bare necessity if you're going to get a job. With remote work becoming far more common, competition…
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A compilation of memes about Generation X

Funny Generation X Memes For Members of The Forgotten Generation

Generation X is the most frequently forgotten generation whenever Generations discourse comes up. Now, all everybody cares about is Baby Boomers, Millenials, and Gen Z, and their various quirks and Gen X is so often ignored. And honestly? That's probably for the best. Generation X used to be the “kids these days” who served as the punching bag for complaints about how the youth are bad now. I will give Gen X credit for having the angstiest “disaffected kids” media. Clerks , Reality Bites , Trai…
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Gen X Memes For Aging Beavis and Butt-Head Fans

Mike Judge is an honorary Gen-Xer
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Funniest Dark Memes That Make You Realize How Much Boomers Suck

Sassy Memes & Videos About Boomers For Victimized Millennials

Ok Boomer
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Millennials Share the Things About Them That Gen Z Find Uncool

The opposite of amazeballs
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A compilation of funny memes about Gen X, Generation X, the 80s, and the 90s.

Gen X Memes For Folks Who Still Remember The 80s

The way people who never lived through the 80s see that era represented in media is quite inaccurate. If I didn't know any better, I would think that in the 80s, everyone was wearing neon, leggings, tutus, and headbands at all times. In fact, I would've thought that attire was socially mandated. Luckily for me, I have been obsessed with the movie Heathers (1989) since I was 14 years old, so I'm quite acquainted with how boxy, and ugly 80s clothes could be. And don't even get me started on 80s h…
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baby boomers, millennials, gen z, advice, generations, comparison, twitter thread, parents, grandparents

People Share the Things They Think Earlier Generations Did Right

Golden years
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1990s, childhood memory, 90s music, 90s memes, childhood, millennials, nostalgia, 70s, 80s music, millenials, nostalgic, 80s, gen x, 90s kids, 90s, generations, 1970s, 1980s

Gen X Memes For Mall Punks And RENT-Heads

This one's for y'all
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Twitter Users Speculate on the Event That Will Come to Define Gen Z

A lot has happened
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Kids Encounter Landline Phone for First Time, Make Everyone Else Feel Old

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After Constantly Getting Brutally Dragged on TikTok, Millennial Tries to Unite Her Generation with Gen-Z as “Generation F**cked”

After Constantly Getting Brutally Dragged on TikTok, Millennial Tries to Unite Her Generation with Gen-Z as “Generation F**cked”

“Let's be sad TOGETHER.”
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People Discuss the Generational Differences Between Attitudes To Work

Instead of reading this, get a job
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table, restaurant, server, waiter, customer service, generation, baby boomers, millennials, gen x, gen z

Restaurant Table Comparison Splits Opinion On How Different Generations Treat Servers

Eating out is one of life’s simple pleasures — if you’re the customer, that is. Whenever you walk into a restaurant to have a meal, there’s a whole host of people working behind the scenes to make sure your every need is catered to. In return, it’s important to show your appreciation for this, including everything from your manners to how much you tip . However, how far we should take our eating out etiquette can be a contentious subject, as one video has recently proved. After going for a meal…
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