

virtual reality, science fiction, sword art online, gaming, video games, palmer luckey, nerve gear, memes, oculus, technology, black mirror

Oculus Creator Makes Prototype for VR Headset That Kills Gamers IRL When They Die In-Game

“Don't you get it? If you die in the game, you die for real.”
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funny, gaming laptop, reddit, reddit thread, gaming, relationships, relationship problems, dating, aita, am i the asshole

37-Year-Old Aspiring Twitch Streamer Calls Fiancé ‘Selfish’ for Refusing to Buy Pricey Gaming Laptop

We should all be supportive of our partners' career choices…within reason. When u/Content_Profession63 's fiancé quit his job to become a professional Twitch streamer, she encouraged him to follow his passion and even agreed to financially support the both of them with her online business. Seven months later, OP's fiancé was doing plenty of gaming, but still hadn't even gotten around to creating a Twitch account. OP's tolerance for BS finally waned when her fiancé asked her for an expensive gam…
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gaming, gaming memes, gamer, nerdy memes, memes, funny, funny memes, pc, computer, console

Best 'Rate My Setup' Memes for Highbrow Gamers and PC Appreciators

Cool setup bro
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Funny gaming memes, skyrim, elder scrolls

Skyrim Memes For Gamers With a Sense of Humor

Greetings, gamers. And non-gamers. That's the great thing about memes. Even if you're not familiar with a subject, you can still enjoy memes about it without feeling completely lost. This is especially true where Skyrim memes are concerned. I'll come out and say it: I've never played the game. I was forbidden from owning any sort of video game console as a child, which didn't exactly prepare me for being a gamer girl in my twenties. That said, I've heard a lot about the game, and over my five y…
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Bad gamer takes, offensive gamer takes, lol

Awful Takes From People Who Should Play Less Video Games

Gamers aren't inherently bad. It's not a crime to want to spend hours on the internet, honing skills, streaming on Twitch, and/or indulging in fantasy. In fact, when playing with friends, video games can give you pretty much all the benefits (and maybe more) of a night out with the buds. But when some gamers, perhaps after being holed up for long nights of gaming with like-minded douchebags, are the epitome of misogynistic bros. Twitter account @GamerTakes , while largely inactive, is a goldmin…
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Funny tweets about Chris Pratt as the voice of mario

The Latest and Greatest Tweets About Chris Pratt Voicing Nintendo's Mario

It feels like an eternity since it was announced that Chris Pratt would be lending his voice to the role of Nintendo's Mario, but it's actually been just over a year. Since then, the internet backlash seemed to fade to a murmur, but it's back, baby, and we're here for it.
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Overwatch 2 gamer memes

Funniest Overwatch Memes for Gamers Who Need More Healing While They Wait for Overwatch 2

If you've pre-loaded the game, then you deserve these memes.
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Funny random memes, dank memes, star wars memes, fandom, nerds, relatable memes

Random Memes & Tweets With a Little Something For Everyone

Variety is the spice of life, eh? Well, my life is bland as hell. Something like all those memes about how white people don't season their food. I do season my food , but I spend most of my time at a sterile desk in a mind-numbing open office plan, wondering when the I'll be free from this incredibly boring cyclical hell. I could quit my job, but listen. I've got cats to feed. And I couldn't do that to them. So instead of saying “F*ck you, I quit," I'm here, typing away about nothing, and suppl…
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gaming, video games, reddit, reddit thread, gaming community, gaming advice, wholesome

Gamers Help Older Lady Choose First Game to Play in Wholesome Thread

It's never too late to start gaming.
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Shameful cringey moments of gatekeeping, tweets, twitter, yikes, rude, gaming, masculinity | THIS is FAMILY THIS is NOT FAMILY homophobic t shirts | Sitting front craft beer couple at Twins game and they keep going NOT BEER poor vendors selling Bud Light. Imagine being so uninteresting think this counts as personality

Cringey Moments of Ridiculous Gatekeeping

Get off that high horse, y'all.
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games, gaming, gamer, gamers, video games, argument, opinion, dumb, twitter

A Handful Of Terrible Takes From Entitled Gamers

Eye roll material.
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meta, horizon worlds, video games, gaming, video game coverage, mark zuckerberg, roasted, funny

Meta Allows More Countries to Play Online Game "Horizon Worlds", Gets Roasted For Crappy Graphics

Bootleg Second Life
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video games, gaming memes, dank memes, gaming funny memes, memes, tumblr memes, video game memes

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (August 17, 2022)

Are you looking for funny gaming memes to send to your online friends? You're in luck because it's that time again—the week's top gaming memes are upon us. We've amassed a great collection of content that includes memes both tastefully timeless and refreshingly relevant. It might be the right moment to put the controller down and enjoy a meme or two with your pals. Don't worry— Stray and LEGO: Star Wars will still be there when you get back. Scroll along to find some dank and epic content that…
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memes, funny memes, xbox live messages, gaming memes, video games, gamers, xbox, funny dms

Funny & Cursed Xbox Live Messages That Reveal the Rude Side of Online Gaming

For gamers, there are millions of ways to cope and seethe in the face of a loss, and sending an insult, threat, or troll to the enemy's message inbox has historically been the most common course of action against a hurt ego. Even though it's likely more common to get a “gg” these days than it is to get a nasty “your mom” joke or an aggressive suggestion to do bodily harm to oneself, this doesn't mean online gaming culture has completely cured itself of its wanton toxicity. And just like anythin…
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gaming, reddit, video games, opinion, askreddit, reddit thread, best video games, gamers

Thread Discusses Timeless Video Games That Should Be Considered Masterpieces

I played Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty for the first time on Christmas day in 2001. That morning, after all the presents had been opened, my dad popped our new game (that he got for us) into the PS2 so that he could “test it out.” Five hours later, he finally concluded that the game was in working order and reluctantly handed off the controller to me and my little sister. Up until that point, I had only ever played games like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Ape Escape— which are all iconic ga…
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Funny memes about Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, gaming

Classic Elder Scrolls Memes For True Fans & Casuals Alike

Elder Scrolls memes are nothing new - the darkest corners of Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram seem to be filled with memes about the games. Don't believe me? Check out Know Your Meme . There are countless formats that either user or are about the game. They come in handy if you find yourself staying up too late or thinking about the game when you feel like should probably be doing other more responsible things like your job, or the laundry you should have done a week ago. Here we're fans of givi…
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