
funny ads

Very Rare These Days

Craigslist advertisement for a car where the headline reads, "Rare, never vaped in"
Via chimrichaldsphd

No More BS!

Fake ad for "Extreme pulp orange juice" which shows pics of a glass full of just orange slices
Via aschoobs

He Doesn't Discriminate

Advertisement by a guy claiming he'll eat any spiders in your home
Via FroggoHubertson
North Korea clickbait kim jong-un Kim Jong-Il funny ads Hulk Hogan pizza Mark Zuckerberg Vladimir Putin - 6464261

11 Hysterical 'Illegal Photos Smuggled Out Of North Korea'

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Nothin' To Write Home About

Sign for a donut shop that's had some of its lights go out, that now says, "Day Ight Donuts;" caption reads, "When your donuts aren't great"
Via PooStainz

Just What I've Always Wanted!

Sign advertising the 'fake pizza hotline' where you can call a pizza restaurant and not get the actual pizza
Via NballardPDX

It's True Tho

Advertisement of a white woman eating crackers and cheese
Via LoathsomeLuke