
basic white girl


Steven Crowder with a sign that reads, "Apple cider is better than anything pumpkin spice - Change my mind"
Via justanotherbill

The Comprehensive Guide!

Fake 'How to Even for Dummies' guide that teaches you how to 1.) Even, and 2.) Literally even
Via iflouisebelcherwasadoctor
basic starter packs

13 Starter Packs That Prove We're All A Little Basic

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power rangers stereotypes starter pack basic white girl taylor swift vegans normies chick fil-a papa johns video games introverts - 6228485

'Megazord Transformation' Memes Are The Wonderful New Starter Packs

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She *Was* In A Sorority But She's Like Totally Into Crystals Now

Starter pack for a basic white girl
Via AyeAyeMaya1