Señor GIF


Not All Birds Can Fly

FAIL birds gifs funny fall - 7734388480
Via Nao Mao

I Guess Crashing at 104MPH Isn't Good For Radio Controlled Cars

crash epic explosion FAIL gifs high speed RC car - 4974261760

Caught Cleaning on Camera

accident cleaning FAIL gifs news photobomb - 5765022464

RIP Timmy

FAIL gifs kids magic - 8292607744
Via Bing

Classic: Do the Monster Mishap

ouch costume FAIL gifs creepy fall - 6706287360

Another Reason To Hate Clowns

clowns wtf FAIL gifs escalators sad but true prank - 8534798592
Created by ToolBee

Rocky Road

cars FAIL gifs ouch - 6532257792

This Thief Isn't Very Good

ouch FAIL gifs thief - 7230001920

I knew that is what happened!

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Created by Beleriath

Selfie Mishap

yikes FAIL gifs selfie - 8363328512

Now Who's Gonna Tow The Tow Truck?

FAIL gifs irony questions sad but true tow truck - 6181406208

Classic: Maybe try to turn it once again?

FAIL couch moving classic funny - 8555595008
Created by anselmbe

Winning Never Hurt So Good

Via AthletesCrotch

Gonna Need Another Take

FAIL gifs motorcycle movie magic - 4970803456

That Fall is So Intense

FAIL mindwarp gifs loop fall - 8561560832
Created by ToolBee


awesome breakdancing FAIL gifs kick kids ouch - 3808915712