Rage Comics


Do you hear that? Or is it just the wind. The wind can carry more than just a cool breeze. It can throw dirt and sand in your eyes and ensure if you're downwind of the wrong cow pasture, you'll know it. So be wary of the zephyr and laugh away your strife with some windy laughs.

Just a Spoonful of Sugar

me gusta Rage Comics umbrella wind - 5081364224
Created by Snicker33

The Aerodynamic Hand

wind driving dat feel breeze - 7847861504
Created by death_by_rage

It's Always an Uphill Battle

rage wind biking - 8365348096

Wind, Wind, Go Away!

wind summer sweet jesus seasons winter - 7309219328

Door Rage

door scary rage wind windows true story contest loud slam - 8540778496
Created by DissolveTheKitten

Leaf Bending

spiderpman lol leaves fall wind - 6687353856

I Can't Be the Only One

wind kids - 8071154432
Created by Yourfavoritelolcat

Dat Wind

breeze Heat Rage Comics sweet jesus have mercy wind - 6252940544

The Perks of Having Short Hair

wind breeze - 7420820224

I Am Aeolus

cheating Rage Comics staring contest wind - 4774166016
Created by johbot


umbrella wind haters gonna hate f yeah back - 6850735360

Like a Jedi

wind star wars the force Jedi - 8139324160
Created by sithstalker081199

Totally Worth Getting a Cold

spiderpman me gusta pfftch wind - 6674322688
Created by Sociomaniac18

Cliff Jump POV

wind camera - 8558284544

Colors of the Rage

wind me gusta - 6690523136
Created by Twinkle321

Reading is Fun!

wind newspaper guy reading - 7918809856
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