Rage Comics


Best Bracelet EVER!

kids parenting rude - 7704438016
Created by OWOcookiesOWO

Childhood Memories

memory family guy kids TV oh god why - 8376377344

Kids Aren't All Bad

are you kidding me bad poker face kids Rage Comics - 6350797312

I Didn't Know...

memory school kids oh god why uranus - 8449446912
Created by XSpeedDemon

Kids These Days

kids Rage Comics wtf - 6224732672


wtf kids funny - 8470381824

Feeling Like Thor as a Kid

Thor kids me gusta hammer - 8437499904
Created by Awesomedereklopez

Children Could Never Build a Castle This Grand

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Via fancy_skat

The Most I've Ever Amounted To

batman cute help kids Rage Comics shirt - 4994834944

Brace Yourselves, Zombies on Skis are Coming

kids omg run pool Rage Comics zombie - 6292055808
Created by jmanmd

Unfortunate Memory

kids memory grandma oh god why - 8352764416
Created by Sahdow_wolf1

Coffee Rage

smell kids sweet jesus coffee - 8290107648
Created by EpicFluffy

Christmas Through the Ages

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Created by SirPufferstien1

I Can't Take It Anymore

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Created by xo_alex

Listen to the Experts...

kids dinosaurs field trip museum - 8417049856
Created by JoeSnake32

There is Hope For This Generation

kids me gusta Rage Comics - 6454919936