Rage Comics

everything went better than expected

Disaster Avoided

conversation oh god why i lied everything went better than expected - 8245711616

The Mark of True Friendship

bathroom everything went better than expected i lied noises poker face pootimes Rage Comics - 4994481920

The Straightforward Approach is the Best Pickup Line

pickup lines everything went better than expected dating - 8449864192
Created by jackolantern04

Mitch and the Bus

everything went better than expected fu guy omg run public transportation - 6620556032

Unless They Own a Dog

everything went better than expected poker face - 7976459008
Created by Geoclasm

Good Timing, Mom!

everything went better than expected mom Music - 8243585536

Dads Are Super Chill

parenting dad mom everything went better than expected - 7058704896

The Graffiti Escape Artist

determined graffiti everything went better than expected police - 7881200896
Created by death_by_rage
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