

Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.

I Like the Cut of Your Jib

text puns image - 8795103744
Via kaminskivision

The Things Your Girlfriend Puts Up With...

pun text texting - 7845015296
Via Reddit

i was winging it

variations on a theme texting text birds bird - 6684936448
Created by Misa

Waiting So Long Would Have Been Violinfuriating

text puns - 8796772096
Via DrPickleful

Someone Needs to Shape Up

FAIL puns text AutocoWrecks g rated - 7897607424


text puns - 7901227264

Punk's Not Dead in the Water

boat puns punk text - 7961807360

Sometimes Puns Can Be a Chore

laundry puns text - 7901277696

Mike is a Chill Bro

drinks text puns - 7645037824
Via majortreblemaker

His Friend Is Down for the Count

text friends punch - 7155450368

Play ALL the Roles!

action comic Hall of Fame text types variety - 6079094272

Courtship Circa 2012

build up text phone literalism texting double meaning punchline - 6818634496
Via Reddit

Sea You Soon!

beach conversation iphone ocean similar sounding text text message water - 5759699712
Created by Unknown

One Direction Fans...

one direction Twist Ending text literalism fans - 6897882112
Via Reddit