

An impatient driver ends up getting instant karma after speeding past other driver | r/pettyrevenge Join u/is_it_corona_time Want YEET past over double yellow line? Enjoy ticket! Please excuse formatting, l'm on mobile community live has speed limit 25mph also has connecting street another dev which leads main road, so people tend cut through my neighborhood get there. Many drivers enjoy speeding through streets rather than following speed limit local police department therefore

Impatient Driver Gets Instant Karma

Feel good story of the summer.
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What is This I Don't Even...

idiom illegal lolwut rhyming - 5450406144

Illeagel Activities

cyanide and happiness homophone illegal suffix - 6795627008
Via Cyanide & Happiness


crime drink driving fine illegal psa - 4029786880
Created by AgainstBieber
Man takes a nuclear revenge on a Karen landlord | r/ProRevenge Join u/hasad802 Refuse pay $60 fix my roof; okay close building site down and cost hundreds thousands dollars! Names, places and timeframes have been changed as per rules. Characters this story: My friend (Who will call Brian Bullying demolition man will call Keith, greedy property developer will call Karen and insurance assessor

Man Takes Nuclear Revenge On Karen Landlord

Karen had it coming.
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