

Karen goes through a series of angry mental gymnastics over a parking space.

Karen Goes Through Angry Mental Gymnastics Over Parking Space

Boss move, indeed.
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A funny Tumblr thread about timelessly funny internet references | headspace-hotel S headspace-hotel forget Internet things would be incomprehensible 2 years ago phenomenon where is appreciation Internet things could show someone 3000 BC and be almost sure they'd get kick out 1 headspace-hotel

Tumblr Thread: Timelessly Entertaining Internet Gems

It's a tale as old as time itself.
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People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

Love is in the air.
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Funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, depressing memes | working home Can cover gonna go take nap My dog girlsthinkimfunn me explaining to my dog | Human cuts lawn Grass releases smell save itself Humans: Joke's on l'm into shit Skeletor

A Hodgepodge Of Memes To Protect From Boredom

Boredom begone.
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puns and cards for valentine's day to let her know you are dad material

These 35 Intentionally Inappropriate Valentine's Day Cards Are So Terrible They're Actually Amazing

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Dad quotes on Twitter that are cheesy on the humor and full of cringe.

48 Dad Quotes That'll Make You Instantly Facepalm

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A collection of funny tweets from the world of Scottish Twitter | Andrew @A_Beveridge1398 Wits script with curry sauce after ye leave ten minute turns into Yankee candle

True Treasures From The Scottish Twitter World

Our favorite part of Twitter.
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A quick list of nostalgic memes to bring you back. | Kids these days will never know ultimate thumb destroyer GameofLoans DURACELL 100% DURACELL POWERCHECKTM

Nostalgic Memes From The Olden Golden Days

A little blast from the past.
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A collection of the funniest and most creative insults that kids have come up with. | recently working with kid and another teacher, and kid turned other teacher and said about she probably listens all by myself at night

Funniest Ways That Kids Have Insulted Adults

They deserve bonus points for the creativity.
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Funny random memes, relatable memes, dumb memes, nerdy memes | IF YOU LOOK REALLY CLOSELY SEE 2 CLOWNS STARING AT EACH OTHER | going my room after starting political argument at dinner table Kingsman

48 Tasty Meme Treats For Restless Eyes

Flex those scrolling muscles.
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funny random memes and tweets | SIMPLE BASS BEAT GOES AWAY TECHNO CROWD RANDOM 6 WORDS SENTENCE TECHNO CROWD TECHNO CROWD SIMPLE BASS BEAT COMES BACK Vince McMahon | TIME GO LET'S GO Internet Explorer is not responding Grim reaper comic

A Bunch Of Memes To Improve Your Monday

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A collection of funny moments from the minds of people on Tumblr | xtraterrestrials my personal curse is knowledge function best with rigid structure and strict routine but am almost totally incapable independently establishing or maintaining structure and routine curlyfrywho Don't forget this special feature: at same time hating people tell do | cherenigans: do think whoever designing default netflix avatar made mistake somewhere but just sat there laughing at result so long whole design team

Totally Random And Hilarious Tumblr Nuggets

Netflix did pull a weird move with those avatars.
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Funny Tweets, Funny Memes, Twitter Jokes, Funny Jokes, Clever Tweets, Twitter | sarah TMASER @softbithc moons fucking massive tonight wtf banana reflecting in windshield | Ron Iver @ronnui_ There's saying "never be smartest person room" and live by those words comes very naturally

30 Tweets That Are Comedy Gold

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Funny Tinder profiles that we would definitely right swipe on. | Person - 00000 Verizon 2:07 AM 70% Done X) Beth, 23 41 miles away Active 13 hours ago Sometimes wonder mattress stores stay business. They're everywhere, but average adult buys mattress like every 7-10 years? With high overhead costs and infrequent sales could they be making profit? Like Chewbacca Defense DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. If have an answer, please message immediately. | Watermelon - Katie, 24 104 km away hear like bad girls bad

44 Hilarious Tinder Profiles We'd Definitely Right Swipe On

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But At Least Your Jokes Are Solid

double meaning humor sense - 5156322304
Created by Dobbydies ( Via mycardboardlife.com )
A collection of totally random yet funny moments from the world of Tumblr | krisadilli get comfortable with people start using them as pillows and foot rests themindprobe get used as pillow or foot rest feel loved ashton-irwin-belongs am both these people Source: krisadilli 599,937 notes

Totally Random Tumblr Tidbits Of Pure Golden Proportions

Good old Tumblr.
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