

common idioms and sayings that are untrue | Smile-Fearless 2 days ago edited 1 day ago 4 4 More "If don't succeed first time, try try again had fourth grade teacher COMPLETELY against this saying. Her reasoning if doing wrong? Then just continue do wrong until give up out frustration. So, she preferred say "Keep trying different ways until get right".

Classic Sayings That Are Kind Of Wrong

Maybe we're due for an update.
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In Soviet Russia, Chicken Fries You

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Created by xyzpdq1
Student sees fire but staff makes them wait to report it | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ArmyMPSides 12 days ago Shut down while trying report fire at my high school oc S senior back high school Middle Tennessee had smoking area students. This 1990, so yeah old. My daughters actually just asked post this story here. Anyway, so good student and had great reputation among faculty at this school about 2000 students.

Staff Makes Student Patiently Wait to Report Fire

School is weird.
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And Dangerous

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Via The N8 Cave
Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Random Memes, Shitposts, Stupid Memes, Meme Dump | Smoke detector shuts off yell I'm just cooking INVEST | first time gardner first beans sprouting garden Post Malone reaction

40 Entertaining Memes For The Experienced Procrastinator

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I Certainly Won't After This Photo....

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Via thesandragon
A collection of funny moments from the minds of people on Tumblr | xtraterrestrials my personal curse is knowledge function best with rigid structure and strict routine but am almost totally incapable independently establishing or maintaining structure and routine curlyfrywho Don't forget this special feature: at same time hating people tell do | cherenigans: do think whoever designing default netflix avatar made mistake somewhere but just sat there laughing at result so long whole design team

Totally Random And Hilarious Tumblr Nuggets

Netflix did pull a weird move with those avatars.
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wholesome nice and happy memes | All humanity Teachers who Genuinely love their job Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger carrying Mr. Bean on his shoulder | see attractive but socially anxious friend hit on someone first time is he doing? He's beginning believe. Matrix

Wholesome Memes to Keep Things Moving

Let the memes do their work.
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funny webcomics featuring Batman, dolphins, Groot, mythology, Link, Zelda, mimes, owls, animals.

7 Random Webcomics to Brighten Your Day

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Via Awesomephilia

Unlimited Data Not Available in All Areas

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Created by tklump
funny tweets, twitter, funny, memes, witty tweets, jokes, fresh tweets, relatable tweets, comedy, lol, covid-19 | Zack Budryk @BudrykZack single most important thing man can do be an ally is give his woman friends permission give dudes at bar his number so they call he can angrily say 's not funny because she died 15 years ago very night

36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

A collection of some of the funniest recent tweets
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funniest animal webcomics of all shapes and sizes

If These Animal Comics Don't Make You Laugh, Nothing Will

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Brownie Points for the HIMYM Reference

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Via dionysus-pertinax

Some Ads Just Don't Deliver

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Created by Random
dad jokes, corny jokes, puns

42 People Share Their Greatest Dad Jokes

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