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Keep still and don't move, your camouflage is perfect. Now dive in a puddle of mud throw some sticks and leaves on yourself, and you're ready to be hidden. Check out these shady and well-hidden jokes and their meanings.

I Almost See What You Did There

camouflage wtf - 6056949760
Created by ChaChaCha

Ninja HQ

camouflage ninja invisible - 6796268800

He's Got the Best Seat in the Stadium

camouflage costume grass soccer wtf - 5247387904
Created by maxystone


camouflage costume leaves monster performance wtf - 4189027840
Created by Malzor

How Camp

camouflage dress wtf - 6001698816
Created by SlightlySardonic

He Must Drink a Lot of Soda

camouflage soda wtf - 5095764480
Created by sixonefive72

Camo Treehouse

camouflage trees wtf - 6378508032