Collection of funny memes about dating, marriage, titanic, kellyann conway, summer, diets, pizza, inglourious basterds, sex, parenting, cheating.

19 Random Memes To Get Your Sunday Going

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Time To Ask Maury

Funny meme about uncertain paternity, painging of two white people with black baby.
Via classicalfuck

Sick Set Up

funny meme about gaming set up in gaming room, it's just a small handheld game in a room.
Via spicy designer memes

Slow Food Movement

Funny meme about a slow cooker, photo of a tortoise in a chef hat with cooking instruments around him.
Via davie_dave

Just Incredible

Funny meme about how far sand sculptures have come, a bunch of sand colored dogs buried in the ground.
Via betasalmon

Consent Is Important

Funny meme about cats having sex and one has its head in a pringles can.
Via god


Funny meme about when a vegan sends a selfie, man surrounded by vegetables.
Via wilfordbrimly

Sad React Only

Funny meme about not being able to drown your demons because they can swim, hot dog snap chat filter pic.
Via jaronmakesmusic

Now That's A Weekend Warrior

Funny meme of a man smiling in the back of a police car, with a bottle of Fireball cinnamon whiskey and a jar of marijuana on top of the car.
Via shitheadsteve
Collection of funny memes featuring Mike Pence in photoshopped situations after his trip to NASA.

14 Best Mike Pence "Do Not Touch" NASA Photo Memes

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Collection of funny memes about cats, money, life, dating, friendship, work, relationships, gaming, skyrim.

21 Funny Memes To Get You Into The Saturday Groove

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Happy Caturday

Funny meme of a cat in an avocado costume that says "Avocato."
Via Alichiadora

MacGyver Reboot

Funny future meme about someone being in 2078 - kid using a camera hooked up to his TV to buzz the back of his head.
Via spacek8ie
A wholesome and heartwarming web comic from Zen Pencils about a father and son - the son does ballet and the father worries about how to protect him from the world.

Web Comic: The Ballet Boy

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Quality Time With The Fam

Funny meme featuring a photo of a family and their dog wearing makes made of crepes, in a Youtube box that says Top 10 Anime Families.
Via TheDoyler

Nothing Is Sacred

Funny meme about people not knowing who Crash Bandicoot is, thinking he is sonic the hedgehog.
Via UNILAD Gaming