Art of Trolling



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Created by Rayner
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How Do Children Work?

View Video

Problem, Frankenstein?

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Created by shinnasukarocks

WoW, a Troll!

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Created by perignis

Married Women Aren't Allowed On the Internet

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Created by Unknown

Miracles, Man

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Created by OlaCola20

Yahoo Answers: Take Whichever One Has Magnet Hooves

Yahoo Answers rant about which horse to take to some show and a girl who jokes that she has disconnected from the conversation.
Via Yahoo Answers UK

I Wish I Knew

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Created by klanko64

Nathanael is My Favourite Mormon

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Created by Unknown


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Created by lovemehobo

The Original ICP

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Created by zeppelinmage

Ezio Makes Miracles

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Created by aktaylorh

Fake Mormons

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Created by silenthunder

Even This Moorman Doesn't Know

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Created by shuddupwomangetonmyhorse

Your Polarity is All Messed Up

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Created by Unknown

How Magnets Really Work

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Created by stormy_rage