Art of Trolling


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Ezio Makes Miracles

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Created by aktaylorh

Opposites Attract

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Created by OneObstacle

We've been asking the wrong people the whole time!

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Created by Vlad

Pastor Win, Troll Fail.

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ICP Could Take Some Lessons

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Nathanael is My Favourite Mormon

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Created by Unknown

Russia's Biggest Trolls

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Created by Unknown

Even This Moorman Doesn't Know

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Created by shuddupwomangetonmyhorse

Nope, just the second troll in a long line of many

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Created by SpacemanSpliff


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Created by cmuki

Everyone Knows Like Poles Repel

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Created by Tom

Mormons Are the Best Counter-Troll

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Miracles on a Budget!

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Created by Loller_Skates

Mormon Knows Whats Up

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Created by Lingolot