Art of Trolling


Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

Netflix Doesn't Always Make Sense

lego netflix - 8285822720
lego star wars trolltube - 59128065

How Would You Feel if Your Friend Took Apart Your 1200-Piece LEGO Millennium Falcon?

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Canadians boldly go not quite as far as other people.

Canada lego youtube - 6701299456
Created by Xelah

Leo Visits LEGO


Enjoy Your Nap... Don't Fall Off...

lego - 8303166208

For a LEGO Fan, This is Less of a Prank and More of a "Welcome Back" Present

monday thru friday lego prank cubicle g rated - 8278829056
Via jrazzz12

The Most Devious Weapon Ever Invented

lego - 7039287552

Everyone Loves This Guy's Saga of a Twitter Interaction With Trump, Even If It's Fake

trolling donald trump legos Everyone Loves This Guy's Saga of a Twitter Interaction With Trump, Even If It's Fake
Via @ZAKagan