Art of Trolling

kim jong-un

Netflix Has a New Movie Category

kim jong-un North Korea netflix - 8405093376

Adventures of Kim Jong Clap Part 1

kim jong-un text phone - 6865977344
Via Brown Cardigan

Results to Die For!

kim jong-un classified ads - 8069220864

Believing The Onion FAIL

kim jong-un news the onion North Korea Hall of Fame best of week - 6815656192

Even the internet is afraid to say no

fry kim jong-un positive what does the internet think - 6108233728
Created by Unknown

Adventures of Kim Jong Clap Part 2

kim jong-un texts phone - 6866756608

Ballsy Move on the Orphanage Decorator's Part

kim jong-un North Korea - 8361081344

Dear Brother, Dear Leader

kim jong-un North Korea south korea - 8436466432
Via Schoritzobandit