Art of Trolling


Where there's smoke, there's fire. These smokey jokes will have you peering through the haze for more. Just don't get too close to these raging puns and jokes, you might get burned.


fire masturbation Purell roommate - 4079469312
Created by why bother? it will will display unkown anyway

4 Elements

chips potato chips elements water fire air earth - 7500371712

That Works

fire signs swimming That Works
Via GdN8

Make Sure You Ground Yourself First

drink fire gasoline Yahoo Answer Fails - 5117763328

Just Beat It

fire sign stairs - 5550606080
Created by LOLdogexpert

Guess Not

texts fire mom sms - 7103938304
cash fast food fire Video wallet - 18745345

Drive-Thru Troll: Your Cash Is on Fire!

View Video

Rafters Are Coming Down Around Me! #Ohsnap

twitter emergency fire hashtags fire exit funny - 7490738176


Chat Roulette fire masks ninjas racism shopped - 3262337536
Created by Taylor Durdan

How to Gently Tell Your Buddy He Wears Too Much Axe

Via Morty_Goldman


earth fire heart - 3991111168

Nice and Toasty

break glass fire - 5394418176
Created by Bendyrulz

Elevators Are Extremely Flammable

elevators fire sign water - 5598944256
Created by LOLdogexpert

Flame Broiled

burger king facebook fire McDonald's wendys - 4838211328
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