Art of Trolling


I Don't Think That's Exactly What Aristotle Meant...

quotes timeless wisdom fapping Aristotle - 4759889664
Created by youngmoneymoproblems

At Least it's Not in Public

bar auto correct text fapping - 6882960384
Created by freshbru

Google search brings you there

yahoo answers fapping - 7455490048
Created by mark.robins

College Life Necessitates Honesty

dorms college fapping - 8031569920

It Sums Me Up Nicely

license plates fapping - 8406008064

Just What're You Tryin' to Say, Cookie?

fapping fortune cookies - 8063010304

BOOM! Roasted!

the bible tumblr sick burn fapping burn - 7732896512

Fairly Sure This Fortune is Telling You to Fap

fapping fortune cookies - 8050558208


vanity plates license plates fapping - 8188609792

If Omegle Was Honest

disconnected fapping flake and gray honesty Omegle stranger - 4537051136
Created by mii7303

The Fap Tracker

fapping dollars dollar bill - 7628547072

Man, You Ruined My Sentimental Moment!

facebook fapping - 6982574336

The Innuendo-iest Soap Dispenser Ever

bathrooms gifs soap fapping - 8138290688

That's the definition of Buddhism for ya...

everywhere fapping jesus trolls Yahoo Answer Fails - 4427728640
Created by funninesscb

Going Long and Hard

youtube youtube comments fapping - 7667717376

Reasons to Buy an Xbox One

NSA 4chan prism fapping xbox one - 7559835136
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