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French People Try American French Fries... or Should We Say Freedom Fries?

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Why Don't You Shut the Hell Up?


Yep, You're Screwed

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Fries and Burgers Combine into One 'Merican Superfood

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Via Neatorama

R.I.P. You

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Redneck Calamari

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A funny Tumblr thread about the cube theory and different foods | TIL about unifying cube rule theory claims settle not only Is hotdog sandwich question, but many other similar food debates. via unatkozorobotok Follow Cube Rule Food identifying dishes based on starch locations

Tumblr Thread: Unifying Cube Theory Settles Hot Dog Debate, Starts Others

One debate settled, many more ignited.
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Oh God... I Need a Minute...

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You Can Call Us Fat if You Want, But You Can Never Take Our Twinkies

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food beings eaten the wrong way | bite taken out the side of an unpeeled banana | cutting pieces from the center of a pizza with a fork and knife

Foods Being Eaten Improperly

Put the banana down.
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Welp, Looks Like I'm Headed to Chicago

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An American Nativity

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Pffft, Portion Plate? F**k Outta Here, Man...

Funny memes about dietitians | People l ask them why they don't eat more vegetables EXCUSES | Person didn't lose weight with caloric deficit. Only keto worked DrNadolsky "T'll take "Shit Never Happened 1,000, Alex."

Eighteen Snarky Dietary Memes For Frustrated Dietitians And Patients Alike

We always love a good meme that makes fun of keto!
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Customer reports an issue on a restaurant's site, and then the site proceeds to fall apart | r/tifu u/rembeck2 14h Join 35 2 24 O 28 3 25 25 1 1 TIFU by trying help small restaurant's Thanksgiving Dinner takeout website, but wound up making things way worse L My girlfriend and both tested positive COVID, so going either our parents' homes Thanksgiving dinner is out question. Neither us did any grocery shopping, so were trying last-minute find restaurant area offers Thanksgiving delivery dinners

Customer Reports Ordering Issue On Restaurant's Site, Site Comes Undone

Their heart was in the right place.
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