
fast food

It's... Beautiful!

burgers cheeseburgers fast food - 8168875776

Square Patties and a Side of Kindness

random act of kindness restoring faith in humanity week funny fast food - 7864002304

It Don't Make No Sense!

McDonald's obesity fast food salad - 8176129536

It's a Vicious Cycle

fast food graphs McDonald's - 8153756416

Although We're Not Entirely Sure of That

McDonald's food fast food - 8067923712

Pooping: Yeah, It's Kinda Like That

taco bell McDonald's chipotle restaurants fast food - 8069484032
Via Reddit

I See Fries in Your Future

school McDonald's fast food exams - 8218249216

Stay Safe, My Pretties

McDonald's fast food - 8284926976

It Should Have a Been a #2 Meal for the Second Amendment

guns chicken murica second amendment fast food - 8391482368

McDonald's: Where Even Your Pancakes Have Serial Numbers

breakfast McDonald's fast food - 8070464768

Suck It, Kim Jong-un!

kim jong-un eagles murica eagle McDonald's North Korea fast food - 8343891456
Via ABC News

Even They Can't Condone Their Own Food

taco bell McDonald's kfc burger king fast food - 8208919808

Ultimate Ingenuity

driving food eating fast food - 8074582272

Live the Dream is What They Do!

McDonald's magazines Japan obesity fast food police - 8150991872

... What?

drive thru fast food - 8271273728

Why Does the World Hate Me?

McDonald's fast food - 8210339328