

Who cut the cheese? Seriously that reeks. Better air it out, or maybe grab a milder wheel to balance it out. These cheesy puns will have you groaning in no time, so don't go anywhere, and don't cut any more cheese.

man combines burgers against wishes of burger guy, enraging him

Man's Effective and Idiotic Loophole Enrages Burger Guy

"That's not possible!"
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The Beer That Tastes Like Cheese

A delicious creamy kraft beer
Via Kensal78

Made in 'Murica

China cheese - 8240089344

Even Cheese Makes Fun of the Privileged

food cheese lol white people - 7902167040

Would This Make a Grate Campaign Slogan, or is it Too Cheesy?

Would This Make a Grate Campaign Slogan, or is it Too Cheesy?
Via goodnews

42-Gallon Jug? Now That's What I'm Talkin' About!

cheese - 8364351744