Web Comics

video games

Daily Mail Logic

brilliant call of duty logic video games - 5394780672
Created by Xhenxhefil

She Still Spends More Money

cave money Skyrim video games - 5646128128

Shao Khan is Brutal

meme Mortal Kombat the social network video games - 5356752640

The Metal Gear Cycle

sad but true video games web comics - 8464603904
Via Never Updated Comics

That Title Also Describes My First Time

games computers video games web comics - 8386155264
Created by tonitmorro ( Via Drawn Jobs )

First Mushroom

mario video games - 5600674560

Problems Are Multiplying

bad luck video games web comics - 8038324480
Via Left Handed Toons


jk puns video games - 4444130560
Created by ErwinSafety

Crash Simulator 2016

video games web comics - 8756707840
Via etapixels

Nintendo Gives a False Sense of Security and Then Kills You

video games video game logic mario nintendo web comics - 7910040064
Via Nathan Bulmer

Big Pharmario

best of week mother of god realization video games - 5607975680
Created by tenaciousa

Find The Thing You Are Exceptional At

Via Invisible Bread

That's What Puts You Over the Edge?

computer stealing video games - 5222574592

Little Dude's on That Hunting Grind

Via Jim Benton Cartoons

Poor Link

best of week video games zelda - 6000883456

Who The Heck Leaves Ammo in The Toilet?

fallout toilet video games web comics - 8360955392
Via Bing