Very Demotivational


Hooray for Tomorrow

depressing tomorrow funny - 8415006720

Just Don't Press Shift-9

keys smiley face depressing funny happiness - 8332775936

Story of My Life

sea depressing relationships funny - 8425754112

Sometimes You Just Have to Tell the Truth

depressing lazy potential honesty funny - 8063212544

Welcome to Life

life depressing funny college - 8102692096

He's More Together Than I Am

depressing hobbies funny - 8122928896
Via Unknown

Some How It's Sort of Depressing

circle of life depressing sculpture sand fish funny - 8209097728

You're Just a Cog

value depressing funny - 8132606976
Via unknown

He's Out of Paperclips

old depressing macgyver funny - 8413482752

Patience It's Useless

depressing patience funny - 8435290624

Spring Will Never Come

depressing snow funny spring winter - 8453414400

The Sad Truth

depressing future funny old - 8328281088
Via EnUnLugarDeLaMancha

Never Try to Be Perfect

depressing goals perfect funny - 8074074112

She's Super Disappointed

Cats depressing funny service - 8325926144

Something's Not Right Here

africa depressing chef food funny - 8070457600

Well, That's Not Depressing at All

depressing school wtf funny - 3981678848
See all captions Created by Sjarlie