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Godmother criticizes mother for naming her daughter Ghiuliyette: 'Why ruin such a beautiful name by including letters that don’t belong there?'

Romeo and Ghoul-liette
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Dude Refuses To Tell Woman His Real Name, Doesn't Understand Why She Rejects Him

The question is, "What is your name?"
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The Most Baffling Baby Names from Around The Internet

Is there a Seymour here? Don't make me say the last name...
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Dog Owner Mortified After Using Their Dog's Unbecoming Nickname in Front of an Acquaintance, Hilarious Misunderstanding Ensues

No self-respecting dog owner calls their dog by their given name.
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Teachers Share Student Names That Correlate With Bad Behavior

Beware of the Braydens
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Wife Accuses Husband of Being "Unreasonable" Because He Doesn't Want to Name Their Baby "Novalynn," "Ryleigh," or "Caeleigh"

Millennials are killing the normal name industry, or at least so it seems. The weird names young parents give their kids have become bonafide memes at this point. I don't know if we'll ever get to a point where McKinsleigh will be considered a normal name by the majority of the population. At the same time, we felt the same way about the name Britney, and nobody bats an eye at that anymore. My favorite millennial naming convention is giving your baby an old lady's name. I know two babies named…
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Twitter Users Recall The Dumbest Things That They Got Teased For

Ha ha!
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What Did You Just Say?

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Via winewoodtip

My Special Nickname

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Created by guineapigkid2

You Can Find it in a Club Near You

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Via The American Kid

I Feel Your Pain, Michael

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Via Reddit

Upper Case Sensitive

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Created by ZachsTwoCents

That Compact Pressure Cooker Sure Uses a Lot of Force...

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Created by cheesemcbutter

Who Would Name Their Kid Astley?

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Created by Unknown