

fast fashion, fashion, clothes, clothing, influencer, influencers, shein, brand, pr, journalism, controversial, debate, tiktok, twitter, reaction, china, factory, worker

'You have to be a real supervillain to defend this company': Influencer Gets Slammed For PR Trip to Shein Factory in China

Nothing to see here
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Mental, funny, and crazy British Headlines

A Mental Mess of British Headlines

According to a lot of people, journalism has either been dead or dying for years. Its demise is discussed all over the Internet, which is coincidentally thought of as the force behind that very same demise. While we don't appreciate the clickbaity direction that many formerly reputable news giants have taken, there is some humor to be found in the descent into traffic-minded garbage. While subreddits like r/nottheonion or r/FloridaMan have been covering crazy headlines for quite a while, in the…
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People discuss the jobs they think are the most useless jobs in the world

People Discuss The Most Useless Jobs In Existence

It is normal to ask yourself occasionally, “does my job contribute anything substantive to society?” When I worked as a security guard at my college's library, I would have to watch unattended items on the security camera to make sure they weren't stolen. After almost a year of working at these libraries and countless hours watching footage of unattended laptops sitting on a table, I never saw an item get stolen. Never! Not once! My watching it had no positive impact whatsoever. That really mad…
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Weird and funny headlines from the past, amusing, animals, wacky

Weird & Wacky Headlines From Newspapers of Yesteryear

“No news is good news” has become a sentence that really resonates with me.
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Funyn headlines, adrian chiles, op-ed, british news

Very Special Gems From The Guardian's Headline Master Adrian Chiles

We've seen a lot of strange and amusing headlines in our time. While some are funny in their structure, others are funnier because of the content ('Alton Attorney Accidentally Sues Himself'). We're fond of both. Some of our favorites include: 'Macaulay Culkin to legally change name to 'Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin'' (EW) 'Seagulls keep couple hostage in their own home for six days by attacking them every time they leave house' (The Telegraph) ‘Florida Mayor Arrested Just Weeks After Taking O…
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channel 5, andrew callaghan, comedy, funny video, youtube, utah rap festival, mad lads, funny, utah, interview, journalism, all gas no brakes

Channel 5's Coverage of the Utah Rap Festival is Absolute Madness

If you were a fan of All Gas No Brakes and haven't watched Andrew Callaghan's new series Channel 5 yet, you really need to start with this recent special on the Utah Rap Festival. In this 15-minute highlight from Channel 5's full episode on Patreon, the youth of Salt Lake City impart us with invaluable wisdom, such as 'f-ck the mormons b-tch!' The chaotic energy in this video is agitating and addictive at the same time—at times it hurts to watch and yet you can't look away. Channel 5 is a gratif
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news, headlines, journalism, lol, funny, twitter, newsarticlesps, weird

Bizarre News Articles That It’s Hard To Believe Are Real

If it memes, it leads.
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news, dogs, animals, local news, youtube, viral videos, video, stolen dog, pets, crazy story, journalism

TV Reporter Rescues Stolen Dog While Reporting on Said Dog

Epic local news moment
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Funny headlines, stupid headlines, cringe, facepalm

Thirty-Eight Headlines That Are Full Of Pure Face-Palm

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Funny tweets making fun of Daily Mail, parody called the daily male which reports on the appearance of male celebrities, danny devito, chris evans, ricky gervais, chris pratt, piers morgan, the rock, ryan reynolds.

Genius Twitter Account Gives Male Celebs The Shallow Tabloid Treatment

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donald trump trump gross White house politics journalism - 5746949

There's A Bag Of Disgusting Dirty Socks Sitting In The White House And No One Knows Why

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Collection of funny New York Times op-ed parodies featuring Godzilla, the simpsons, the matrix, bart simpson, nintendo, distracted boyfriend, game of thrones.

People Are Parodying New York Times Op-Eds And It's Amazing

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Funny Twitter reactions to New York Post article about boobs being back in style.

Twitter Responds To The New York Post's "Boobs Are Back" Think Piece

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Games Journalism at its Best

gamergate video games journalism - 8421200128
Via reaxxion

Video Game Journalism in 2014

gamers journalism gamergate - 8342720000
Via androlphegax

Well, Alright Then...

journalism video games gamergate - 8332990208
Via androlphegax
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