

funny, reddit, ask reddit, reddit thread, jokes, prank, wholesome

People Share Funny Ways to Harmlessly Mess With People

Everyone loves a good prank.
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jokes relatable memes random memes funny memes relatable tweets Memes twitter memes - 19217157

A Grouping of Memes Both Young and Old

It's long been said that variety is the spice of life. If the sentiment is to believed, then the things we call memes are a spice level 5, like they refuse to serve me at the Thai restaurant. You see, if it exists, there are memes about it. We've covered everything from knitting memes to forklift operator memes , and those two incredibly specific subjects are teeny drops in a Texas-sized, meme-filled bucket. The memes we love are as varied as the people who make them, and if we start thinking a…
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humor geek nerds star wars jokes relatable funny memes lol sci fi anakin Star Trek science fiction funny - 20416005

Weekly Treat of Sci-Fi Memes For Geeks With a Sense of Humor (May 5, 2023)

Today is Cinco de Mayo. A day that is admittedly pretty grotesque when you consider the way it's celebrated in the United States. Yesterday, however, was a holiday that includes none of the vomit-inducing drinking and cultural appropriation that is prevalent on the fifth of May. On May 4th, geeks everywhere celebrate Star Wars Day, and they do it by sharing Star Wars-related content on pretty much every social media platform. Here at Memebase, we don't need an excuse to share sci-fi memes. In f…
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Funny nerdy memes, jokes

A Slightly Chaotic Collection of Memes, Tweets, and Tumblr Posts

This fleeting existence has a tendency to feel a bit pointless. You know, "life's a b*tch and then you die" type vibes. It's really wild that everyting feels as though it's meant to be a struggle, living meager paycheck to meager paycheck, while some person who says "yes" or "no" or “more” lives lavishly and luxuriously thanks to our hard work. While we try not to think of the sad reality in our day-to-day lives, it has become increasingly hard to ignore. But when the going gets tough, and real…
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hobbits humor frodo sauron jokes Lord of the Rings galadriel Sam lord of the rings memes gandalf lotr memes lol aragorn pippin took gimli funny tolkien tuesday - 20366341

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (May 2, 2023)

Warm greetings to the Lord of the Rings enthusiasts of the world wide web! As it'sTuesday , the worst day of the week, we're officially three days away from the end of our weekly woes. As much as we loathe this day of the week, Tuesday also means that we're back to supply a double dose of Lord of the Rings memes - most of which are incredibly dumb, yet enjoyably silly. We've scoured the depths of Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram to bring you the newest and most amusing LOTR memes out there, whic…
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humor frustration depressing jokes relatable millennials homeownership Memes buying a home owning-a-home homeowners - 20346117

Memes For Frustrated Millennials Who Will Never Own a Home

My parents bought the old Brooklyn home that I grew up in back in the ‘90s. It cost them about $150k, plus however much it cost to renovate after its previous owner, an elderly hoarder, had evacuated the premises. When they sold the three-story home to retire to Vermont a few years ago, the value had risen to 1.3 million dollars. That’s a staggering 766% increase. And while I'm happy they made bank on their nest egg, the sale was also a sobering reminder that owning a home in this climate - let…
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Collection of clever comebacks towards public figures and stupid people on the website Twitter

15+ Times Clever Comebacks Titillated Twitter

As someone who works in a web-based field, spending time online can feel very tiring. The madness of terminally online people can be stressful, and while I'm careful about my blood pressure, some cyberbullies (even on this site) have the unfortunate ability to boil my blood and get my heart pounding. It all makes me wish there was a website where I could, like, do the Internet equivalent of meditating. Some sort of transcendental url hang that makes me forget about the incels and racists of the…
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humor face-oil jokes funny memes dank memes moisturizing Memes moisturizer lol skincare retinol peptides sunday-riley - 20320773

Niche Skincare Memes For Peptide-Obsessed Queens

It's happened. I am officially freaking out about my skin because I've hit my mid-thirties. Finding the right product that makes me feel less haggard and more youthful can be hard. But you know I've amassed a core group of skincare brands that keep me feeling confident - brands like Drunk Elephant, La Roche-Posay, Sunday Riley, and The Ordinary. And after many long, long hours, of research, I've realized they've all got cult followings. If you, too, spend countless hours researching the perfect…
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humor jokes relatable memes random memes relatable funny memes Memes funny tweets marvel memes - 20321285

A Hefty Hodgepodge of Random Memes

Hi there, internet friends and also potential internet enemies. If you're anything like me, life might be feeling pretty monotonous lately. Since Dry January turned into a generally dry living, I've had to cut out a lot of my usual activities, and every day seems to blend together. Even weekends like this one aren't as exciting as they used to be. In the past, I would have turned to things like alcohol, drugs, or dating to mix things up, but those aren't really options right now. That's where m…
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star wars memes star wars jokes prequel memes star wars prequels funny memes corny memes dank memes sci fi memes lol sci fi - 20243461

A Smuggled Selection of Funny Star Wars Memes (April 28, 2023)

I've been a Star Wars fan since pretty much the age of five. I went from watching the original trilogy to playing the computer games my dad purchased at Costco. And while some of the re-enactments my cousin and I did were dark AF, I have always enjoyed the lighthearted side of the franchise, including the endless stream of memes that have been created over the years. From classic quotes to hilarious mashups, the world of Star Wars memes is as diverse and entertaining as the galaxy far, far away…
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humor stupid memes surreal memes jokes random memes funny memes weirdos weird memes Memes lol weird - 20291589

Weirdo Memes From Off the Beaten Path

Listen. We like normal memes as much as the next person. What's a normal meme, you ask? Well, one example would have to be anything in the style of Twitter. You know, when the joke comes in the form of text above an image. Usually, these memes are a pretty lowest common denominator type of entertainment. Relatable as all hell. We're talking memes about how much we need coffee to get through the day. Maybe memes about how you feel like a useless piece of sh*t and are amounting to nothing. Or the…
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humor twitter-blue twitter jokes relatable memes relatable fresh tweets relatable tweets elon musk lol funny tweets - 20315141

Quick Quips From the Mad Minds of Twitter (April 28, 2023

There's no way around it: Twitter's been a bit of a mess lately. Just last week they removed blue checks from anyone who isn't paying for Twitter Blue. Y'know, besides the likes of LeBron James , Dril, and Stephen King. It's a funny grift, and there were plenty of accounts having a field day with their new place as “normal” Twitter users. While we were kind of terrified about what our feed would look like after the axe fell ( Elon Musk said our For You pages would be all verified), we've still…
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Memes humor star wars memes star wars jokes fandom sci fi memes sci fi Star Trek funny - 20301829

Funniest Sci-Fi Memes of the Week (April 27, 2023)

Does anybody enjoy reality these days? As an enthusiast of science fiction media, I find a strangely exciting solace in sci-fi movies, TV shows, books, and video games. Space, extraterrestrials, advanced technology, futuristic scenarios - it's all preferable to, say, sitting at my desk in this particular hellscape. If you're feeling similarly, we suggest you gather 'round and feast your eyes on a plethora of memes that delve deep into these beloved topics. Undoubtedly, sci-fi has emerged as one…
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A collection of funny and random  memes and entertaining tweets, dinosaurs

Funny Memes to Help People Over the Proverbial Hump

It is Wednesday, my dudes. If you've spent any time on Reddit over the past few years, you're probably familiar with the inside joke, which originated in the r/me_irl subreddit. Frogs, toads, and Redditors aside, Wednesday is supposedly a day worth celebrating. But we don't really see it. Wednesday is a marker, a reminder that there's still half a week left of working - at least, that is, if you're a 9-5 office drone like we are here at Memebase. To celebrate “hump day” is to feed into the syst…
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humor twitter wtf jokes wtf food gross lol tweets food hear-me-out funny foodies - 20291077

'Hear Me Out': People Share Their Most Controversial Food Preferences

As someone who loves food, there are certain combinations that shake me to my core. Pineapple on pizza , surprisingly, is not one of them. Banana on pizza, as they enjoy in Sweden, is another story altogether. While I recoil at that abomination, like I do any at any absurdly cheesy fish dish, there are certain things I enjoy that might make someone else cry out in horror. My affection for cottage cheese topped with salsa definitely falls into that category. I may be alone in terms of that guilt…
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hobbits humor legolas twitter sauron jokes relatable memes Lord of the Rings tolkien relatable lord of the rings memes gandalf orcs lol aragorn funny tweets gimli elves tolkien tuesdays jrr tolkien funny - 20277253

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (April 25, 2023)

As excited as I am for the warm weather to arrive, I always feel a bit of sadness as winter ends and hibernation ceases with it. Though I often decry the pains of seasonal affective disorder, the winter blues are great for enabling behaviors that may not necessarily be the most mentally healthy. This can mean gorging oneself on rich, wintery meals. It can also mean (if you're like me) binge-watching movies and television shows. While I like a current comedy or a cooking competition as much as t…
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