

gift, gifting, gift guide, presents, christmas, revenge, funny twitter, twitter thread

Crafty Gifters Plot the Best Christmas Presents to Give to Enemies

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Foodies discuss gifts they do not want to receive for the holidays, food lovers on Twitter , tweets

Foodies Share Played Out Gifts They Don't Want to Receive This Year

Growing up my foodie Dad had a huge section of his bookcase that was dedicated to cookbooks. I'd be able to rifle through books about indigenous Colombian cuisine, classic French cookbooks, and gorgeously photographed tomes of food from the Levant. I did notice, however, that he rarely, if ever, used these books. It turns out my parents needed that section not because my dad loves cookbooks, but because people love giving them to him. I wonder what would happen if they bothered to ask what he w…
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gifts, present, gifting, festive, money, wrapping, shopping, festive, christmas, memes, funny, funny memes

Funniest Gift Giving Memes About the Perils of Presents

Thanks, I love it
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crocs, shoes, high school, school, gift, strange, tiktok, fire, funny

Student Shouts Out Crocs For Giving Shoes To Entire High School In Fire-Stricken Colorado

Absurd and wholesome
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gift, gifts, christmas present, presents, christmas, girlfriend, festive, relationship, funny twitter, fail

Guy Gets Girlfriend Identical Gift To Last Christmas, Realizes He’s Not Alone

Bonus points for imagination
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christmas, christmas presents, gifts, presents, gifting, revenge, evil, reddit, askreddit

Devious Thread Mulls Over The Worst $100 Christmas Gift To Buy

Evil genius
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Funny Twitter thread about a woman who wrote a choose-your-own-adventure book for her sister for Christmas | juliaprescott My sister is perpetually late every social function her life. So Christmas naturally made her choose own adventure: CHOOSE OWN ADVENTURE STAR STOKY! MIT HONESTLY MOSTOF THESE END SAME WAY. WILL KATI ARRIVE ON TIME? BY JULIA PRESCOTT ILLUSIRATED BY MIKE L. MAYFIELD. Here's back: WILL ARRIVE ON TIME bathroom is time vortex place future scholars will study as proof

Woman Gives Chronically Tardy Sister A Clever Christmas Gift

This is way too good!
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Gimme It

Caption that reads, "Me: I'm not saying a word without my lawyer present; Cop: You ARE the lawyer; Me: So where's my present?" above a stock photo of a police officer interrogating a guy at a police station
Via tacosharks


Tweet that reads, "Valentine's Day is approaching! What y'all getting?" someone replies below, "A snap from Team Snapchat"
Via meowmeowmix

Eh, F*ck It

Caption that reads, "Wrapping Christmas presents: beginning of the roll vs. end of the roll" above a pic of a neatly wrapped present next to a pic of a present wrapped scantily with wrapping paper
Via Lulabel73

'Oh Heeyy, Great To See You!'

Object-label meme where a woman sitting at a desk represents "Me," the guy standing in the front of the image represents "Friend I haven't seen in years," and gift he's holding represents "Pyramid scheme"
Via Zergcollective

Hell Yea I Need Socks

socks gift image - 8997580800
Via bestmemesperiod

What A Cozy Gift

gift blanket pranks - 8988264704
Via tastefullyoffensive

Step One...

present gift surprise funny - 7534406400

The Perfect Gift

image gift trolling The Perfect Gift
Via Justins_Beard

Ah, of Course That's What She Meant

Via lunarbaboon