

Chart, pizza, venn diagrams, funny memes, charts, similarities, so true, Memes, venn diagram, diagram, meme, too true, citations, differences, funny, funny meme

30 Venn Diagram Memes That Compare and Contrast

Yay or nay?
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Top 24 Things Americans Do That Other Countries Find Weird

Top 24 Things Americans Do That Other Countries Find Weird

Bold Stripes, Bright Stars, Brave Hearts.
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real life, relatable, relatable memes, the internets, internet, Memes, funny memes, reality, expectations vs reality, Social Media, introverts, People, Anxiety, socially awkward, differences, funny

The Internet Versus Reality: 25+ Online and Real Life Juxtapositions

The internet. A beautiful place where you can make yourself out to be whoever you desire. Maybe you're a shy and awkward introvert in real life , but once online you become the coolest, most charismatic character imaginable. It really is a blessing and a curse. People I've known for ages on the internet have often turned out to be completely different in person. Not always in a negative way, but always noticeably different. A lot of important parts of socialization don't pick up in online inter…
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The Main Differences Between The UK And The USA

usa UK differences web comics - 8147413248
Via Know Your Meme

Czech Planes Are Horrifying

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Created by Simp_Yellowman

Except Not as Hydrating

beer Germany america differences funny - 7778406656
Created by knife-hider

Funny in the Saddest Way

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Created by neomam ( Via )


old guys ipod differences tape - 3894268672
See all captions Created by Blest474

Zero Differences

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Created by NestorMunoz
differences england Maps united kingdom Video - 21779201

I'm Still Confused, I Think I'll Just Call You All Chaps

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cartoons differences disney language mel gibson pocahontas - 4347921152
See all captions Created by spazzymcgee45


computer differences facebook frequency grammar idiot skills venn diagram - 3526290944
Created by newsdude


america differences europe internet similarities trolling trolls venn diagram - 3510539008