
college humor

Funniest Broke Memes for Can't Seem to Stop Spending Money Treating Themselves

Funniest Broke Memes for Can't Seem to Stop Spending Money Treating Themselves

I earned this
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A compilation of memes themed around college and university

Memes For Broke College Kids

“College was the best part of my life” is a sentiment often expressed by weepy alumni. It can be a lot of pressure for college students to have the best time ever because college is supposedly the best part of their lives. I sometimes wonder whether college was the best part of my life, and it's all downhill from there, and I must answer that with a decisive no.
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Relatable Student Memes Now That Student Loan Forgiveness Is Here

Relatable Student Memes That Are A Little More Jovial Now That Student Loan Forgiveness Is Here

Hear hear, hope is here
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30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

We're not equipped
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15 Relatable Student Loan Memes For People Who Are Really Counting On Biden Coming Through On His Promises (August 24, 2022)

15 Relatable Student Loan Memes For People Who Are Really Counting On Biden Coming Through This Time (August 25, 2022)

C'mon Joey, don't play with us like this
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Memes about college and university for the back to school season

College Memes For Back To School Season

Bright college days , oh, carefree days that fly! It's almost time for first-year students to move into their dorms, syllabus week to commence, and the binge drinking to begin. College is such a unique time in your life. For many students, it's the first time they'll be away from their family and maintain a semblance of independence. You are forced to learn how to take care of yourself and not make crazy choices all the time. I learned over the course of my freshman year that I couldn't eat thr…
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stupid answers students had given

College Professors Recall The Most Painfully Dumb Students They've Ever Had

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Funny video from cracked, brothers grimm, fairy tales, lol, humor, hedgehog, medieval

An Illustrated Look at a Deranged Fairy Tale About A Half-Hedgehog Jerk Bagpiper

Yes, you read that right.
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funny bus safety tips david sopp iceland | Riding Tips: Helping Elderly GOOD BAD BESTA LEI man offering seat to grandma vs man holding grandma on top of him. Riding Tips: Activities on Ride GOOD BAD BESTA LEIÐ woman reading on bus vs woman clipping her nails on the bus

Icelandic Bus Company Uses Humor To Promote Safety

We're into this.
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Funny comics that explain what your facial hair says about you | illustration of man with facial hair Chinstrap trying make think have chin

Hilarious Comics That Explain What Facial Hair Says About You

Choose wisely.
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Funny random memes, spongebob, spongebob memes, schooll, college, college memes, work.

30 Relatable Memes For When You Just Need A Damn Break

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scarily accurate starter packs

27 Starter Packs That Will Speak Your Truth For You

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cover image about failing assignments, writing a research paper and it doesn't make sense

14 College Memes To Keep Those Midterm Blues At Bay

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Tweet that reads, "The girl next to me is talking on the phone and says, 'My first day of classes as a freshman is over. Isn't it crazy that in just four years I'll be working at my dream job?'...Should I tell her?"
Via BigFuckingRocket

Big Spender

Tweet that reads, "What would you do if someone left you $8.7 mill?" followed by a reply that reads, "Pay off my student loans and use the remaining $10 to go to the movies"
Via OlivePony
Funny memes, random memes, money, work, life, hilarious

24 Fresh Memes To Eliminate Your Blues

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