

prom, prom dress, high school teenagers, teenager, teenage, dance, fashion, fashion show, dress, dressed up, goth, goth teens, casket, coffin, funeral, funerals, viral videos, video

'Monster high students': Goth teenager arrives at prom in a casket, commenters lose their minds

Now that's an entrance
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irish man leaves funny recording to play at his funeral

Irish Man Makes Recording For His Funeral, Leaves Mourners In Stitches

Hero shit.
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Tumblr post explains how to escape after being buried alive in a coffin | laufie escape after being buried alive coffin could happen anyone. People bury person alive scare them or get rid them this situation, rely only on yourself. 1. Do not waste oxygen classic coffin there's only enough oxygen about an hour, maybe two. Inhale deeply, exhale very slowly. Once inhaled do not swallow, or will start hyperventilate. Do not light up lighters or matches, they will waste oxygen. Using flashlight is al

Short Tumblr Post Explains How To Escape After Being Buried Alive In A Coffin

Useful information.
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Funny dank memes about the dancing pallbearers | death grim reaper comic HEY IS TIME GO HELP | coffin dancers carrying planet earth leaked footage May:

'Dancing Pallbearers' Memes Have Completely Taken The Internet By Storm

These are gold.
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Funny meme that reads, "Glass coffins...will they be popular??? Remains to be seen!!!"
Via jwsmith20x


Tumblr post that reads, "We are gathered here today because SOMEBODY *glares at coffin* couldn't stay alive"
Via PumpkinKween

Lame Pun Coon: Glass Coffins

coffin eww glass Lame Pun Coon - 4385019904
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