
card game

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30+ Board Game and Card Game Memes For Analog Gamers

No instructions required
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bet, relatable memes, lottery, slot machine, bets, funny memes, gambling, cards, Memes, casino, card game, jackpot, gamble, playing cards, betting, money, free poker games, online poker, free poker game, poker, texas holdem poker, poker games

Gambling Memes For Poker Players And Sports Bet Makers

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A compilation of memes about Poker and online Poker

Poker Memes For Card Gamers

I'm going to be honest with y'all: I have no idea how to play poker . I have seen it in movies, so I know that getting four aces is optimal and hiding your cards from your fellow players is highly recommended, but other than that, I've got nothing. When I was a kid, my card game of choice was war. War is, on nearly every level, the complete opposite of poker. It has no strategy whatsoever, and that's what I like about it. The outcome of the game is pre-destined. By the time the cards are dealt,…
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Mom, Stop

Funny meme about a mom telling her kid's secret to everyone at the dinner table | The secret told my mom not to tell anyone about the whole family and the dinner tables
Via anlyin


Tweet that reads, "My roommate, who teaches sixth graders, has informed me that middle schoolers have started carrying around 'reverse' cards from Uno, so anytime someone insults them they bust out the card and reverse the burn. Cutting. Edge"
Via xitlalic.spamzz

Foolproof Conversation-Ruiner

Object-label meme where people playing cards represent "Innocent people just trying to talk" and a guy about to slap his cards down on the table represents "That's what she said"
Via UrBoiNoNo

He Gon Get Shut Down

Child playing Uno with an adult
Via Xiptus
kickstarter cyanide and happiness card game web comics - 78104065

Cyanide & Happiness is Making Their Own Card Game Called "Joking Hazard"

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card game uno Y U No Guy - 4312421376


card game Memes uno Y U No Guy - 4153677056
Created by electrodinosaur