Rage Comics

true story

Do Your Eyes Not Work?

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His Milkshake Brings All the Girls to the Yard

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Count Von Waitress

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What, Do They Think They're on the Discovery Channel or Something?

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Sequel to a True Story

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Created by bananaworld

"Vending" Machine! From the Latin "Vendor," Which Means "To SELL!"

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Cheaper Batteries

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Neither. For delivery.

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Created by MRpickleYandR

I Thought It Was for the Car

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Dang it, Gamestop...

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Lost and Found

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Created by WhatDance

That Mini Heart Attack

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Created by ThatEpicMoment


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The friendzone truth

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Created by timl0rdminer01

Who Does That Guy Think He Is?

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Do You Think That I Could Get Some Jiggy Jiggy?

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