

Reasons to own a Roomba

animals Cats clean floor love roomba technology vacuums - 2054432512
Created by dzseb

Uses of Google

google internet technology - 1568151296
Created by JayThwack

Time spent on phone with tech support

customer situational humor tech support technology - 1699478272
Created by a880

Usage of my Cell Phone

phone technology time - 1579200768
Created by vanitytree

apple ipod Music Pie Chart shuffle technology - 4124635904
Created by whiteexploder

Time to Throw it Out the Window

Pie Chart windows technology - 7959584000
Created by stoatly

Universal Experience

Line Graph rage technology - 3929540352

Odds of dropping my cell phone

cars Cats cell phone technology toilet work - 1646801664
Created by Unknown

The Cost of Your Computers

computers infographic money technology - 7941115392
Created by NowSourcing ( Via )

How Google Glass Goes

technology neat - 7301498112

I Need My Flashlight...App

dark Pie Chart technology - 4828876288
Created by cesarkopp

At Least Auto Correct Is Consistent

Bar Graph cell phones technology - 4653664512
Created by jtanaka98

How Does a Touch Screen Phone Work

infographic smart phones technology - 6612986112
Via My Cricket

Japan monster Pie Chart technology - 3825756416
Created by Maquis

Only About Half the Time, and You Forgot Nutella

technology nutella - 7344264448
Created by Unknown

Where People's Music Really Comes From

internet Music technology - 1609141504
Created by Mustang
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