

Breakdown of Lord Of The Rings Movies

Death Lord of the Rings movies - 1829205248
Created by ferret12

They Do Have the Power Rangers Movie, Though

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Created by tsel

Incidentally, That's a Great Movie Title

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Created by manci5

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Harry "Cash Cow" Potter

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Via Cinema Blend

Excitement level of a Blockbuster Movie

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Created by Jphyper

Han Shot First, Damn It!

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Created by batman_45

people who say: life is not like a movie

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Created by roei1234

first movies Pie Chart time warp - 4174979072
Created by Tzade

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Created by miz_reesez

Forget Charity and Kindness, I Want Presents!

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I Knew It...Wasn't You the Whole Time, Totally

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Created by Lagerbaer

And When They're at School They Hardly Ever Have Class

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Created by hijacob76

The Weasleys Get Poorer

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Created by biggestharrypotterfans