Art of Trolling


Benjamin Barkin

dogs puppy - 7383918080

So That's What That Noise Was

dogs eyes noise colorblind - 4284335360
Created by Unknown

You Left Me Panting

cute dogs missed connections - 5085259264
Created by Unknown

Dastardly Dog


Flashing Has Never Been So Cute

animals dogs flashing gifs - 7902519040

Loyal to a Fault

dogs pets - 7755450880

Get on My Level

dogs shirts - 8411875072

Boyfriends With Laser Pointers...

dogs boyfriends - 7435036160
Via Reddit

"Don't Worry, Human, I'm on the Case!"

dogs hunting - 8258441216

Challenge Accepted!

dogs Challenge Accepted scrabble - 7589075712
roomba smearing dog poop allover the floor

Please Consider This Frightening Tale of Pooptastrophe Before Getting a Roomba With Pets

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Wait Your Turn

dogs law and order cute what Video - 82644225

Brace Yourselves for This Shocking Fan Made Into to Law and Order: SVU

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Your Dog Probably Wanted to Eat It

dogs IRL poop sign - 5935213056
Created by Unknown

Run! It's the Noisy Beast!

dogs vacuum cleaner - 8154115840

All That Doggie Paddle Tuckered Him Out

dead dogs floating pool Yahoo Answer Fails - 4733576448