

Ultimate Ingenuity

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Both at Once is Better Anyway!

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Sometime... Someday...

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Life Hack: Cook Dinner in Your Coffeemaker

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Fries and Burgers Combine into One 'Merican Superfood

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Via Neatorama

This is America: You're FREE to Do as You Please!

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Great Breakfast? Or Greatest Breakfast?

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Customer reports an issue on a restaurant's site, and then the site proceeds to fall apart | r/tifu u/rembeck2 14h Join 35 2 24 O 28 3 25 25 1 1 TIFU by trying help small restaurant's Thanksgiving Dinner takeout website, but wound up making things way worse L My girlfriend and both tested positive COVID, so going either our parents' homes Thanksgiving dinner is out question. Neither us did any grocery shopping, so were trying last-minute find restaurant area offers Thanksgiving delivery dinners

Customer Reports Ordering Issue On Restaurant's Site, Site Comes Undone

Their heart was in the right place.
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A Real 'Murican Breakfast

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Happy Anniversary, Dear...

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Created by beernbiccies

I Don't Think That's How Vegetarianism Works...

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It's Like an Affirmation of What's in My Soul

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food beings eaten the wrong way | bite taken out the side of an unpeeled banana | cutting pieces from the center of a pizza with a fork and knife

Foods Being Eaten Improperly

Put the banana down.
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The Taste of Champions

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For That American-Sized Appetite

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