

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

A veteran mechanic messes with the wrong person, so his buddy ends up going down with him | r/ProRevenge Join u/earthrogue 3d Veteran Mechanic taking advantage active duty military and retirees messes with wrong person and his buddy goes down with him this started all trying do get out paying something didn't need and never asked By end going blood as someone else enacted their revenge posted this over r/militarystories and after couple comments realized belongs here too adding some edits give

Veteran Mechanic Messes With The Wrong Person

This is beautiful.
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Funny dank memes, credit card declines memes, reddit memes, therapy, tattoo artists | Tattoo artist tattoo is done. Credit card *declines* Tattoo artist : peeling potato | Doctor removed bullet skull My card declines Doctor made with mematic person pointing gun at themselves

'Credit Card Declines' Memes Imagine Salty Instances Of Revenge

Glad the people who serve us are not this petty.
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People describe their wildest butterfly effect situations from small decisions | lulun97 6h 3 4 Awards sent friend secondary school (who had huge crush on message saying happy birthday couple years after left school. Did whole have catch up soon thing, not expecting much. He replied with about Monday saw him Monday coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing ever happened My friends joke queen escaping friendzone

Craziest Butterfly Effects From People's Small Decisions

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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Karen threatens an employee with a write-up, and proceed to get a lesson in management | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/Ancient_Ice 1y Join Front Desk Manager Threatens with write-up, and she gets lesson management. Long Backstory working as night auditor at front desk, now those don't know night auditor is like an accounting job balance all paperwork before accounting gets balance every department Restaurant, Bar, Dance Club, conference center, etc. So, our job critical be done correctly every night

Karen Threatens Employee With Write-Up, Gets Lesson In Management

Karen was out of control.
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A road rager picks on a motorcycle driver, driver takes petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge Join u/Fluffy-Designer Small motorbike vs small waves pinky finger should preface this by saying raised by narcissist and extremely passive-aggressive as result. Years ago bought my first motorbike tiny 125CC bike with my 82kg body weight, could barely do 90km/h on flat road and would lose speed going up hills despite revving as hard as could my first motorbike and loved her with my whole heart.

Road Rager Picks On Motorcycle, Rider Gets Revenge

That dude achieved a whole new shade of rage purple.
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People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

Love is in the air.
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Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Very, very strange.
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Simply Brilliant

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Craziest excuses from students that ended up being true. | kajigleta 11h Showed up late college final because his neighbor's apartment on fire. He smelled like fire smoke so gave him an extension on time limit.

Craziest Excuses From Students That Ended Up Being True

Dogs have a real appetite for homework.
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A collection of the dumbest ideas that people had during the middle of stressful situations. | Wrackrackes 23h 7 Awards My dinner oven caught on fire, instead attempting put out fire took picture and texted my mom advice 39 years old.

Dumbest Ideas People Had In The Middle Of A Crisis

We've all been there at one point or another.
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A collection of the dumbest things that people said in all seriousness. | AngryOrca1 There is no proof earth is round Reply

Dumbest Things People Have Said In All Seriousness

Oh, man, buckle up.
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This Redditor Knows What's Up

A knowledgable boss is underestimated and proceeds to win tech support. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/syninthecity 17h sometimes need stroke 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 day my boss won Tech Support. Medium mostly lurk, but this..this boys, girls and enbie friends this story had be told. Some minor context do software support thing 's used by essentially everyone may go call with mom and pop running everything on an underpowered ancient SBS 11 multinational running ten thousand server instances their own cloud

Knowledgable Boss Is Underestimated, Proceeds To Win Tech Support

Some bosses are actually pretty good at their jobs.
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Neighbor antagonizes guy to no end, and ends up getting a taste of his own medicine | r/pettyrevenge u/TheCrimsonnerGinge Neighbor antagonized all year, so quite literally) gave him taste his own medicine college had neighbor (Who will henceforth be Benny, like asshat New Vegas And this neighbor, he not considerate neighbor example, he watched TikTok at 3am, connected his Bluetooth speaker, which he so politely pointed directly at wall improve sound quality He piled his

Neighbor Antagonizes Guy, Gets Taste Of His Own Medicine

A herculean act, indeed.
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Guy tricks mall thieves with deceptive holiday gift | r/ProRevenge u/Hypetents Christmas gift Grandpa know guy has done this every year more than decade started some dick broke into cab his truck and stole Christmas gifts he had bought at Mall. If remember correctly, he had make two trips and some jerk saw him go back into store and busted his window long time ago am not positive details original event.

Man Baits Mall Thieves With Tricky Christmas Gift

Grandpa's so charitable.
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