Very Demotivational


A funny Tumblr thread about fruits being named after colors | weaver-z Follow Ænzo @dolphin_dom Fun fact: blueberries are only fruit named after color rinasawayana dolphin_dom star fruit?

Tumblr Thread On Fruits And Colors Spirals Out Of Control

Oh no, say it ain't so.
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hilarious obsession poster ridiculous wtf - 5701327616
Created by djrcreative
A Twitter thread about how ridiculously big Croatians' toothpaste containers are. | Tea @dreampai1 Wait, so telling places other than Croatia, y'all don't have toothpaste sold buckets didn't know this solely local thing

Twitter Thread: Croatians Don't Play Around With Their Toothpaste

Next level toothpaste game.
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frustrating and annoying habits of people's spouses

The Annoying Things People's Spouses Do

Inconsiderate, lazy or straight up oblivious?
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funny scientific diagrams with no context that look ridiculous

Scientific Diagrams That Look Unintentionally Hilarious

Context is a harsh mistress.
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silly and stupid puns | normal-horoscopes TEEN HORSE GIRL MOVIE WHERE HORSE DIES AN HOUR AND SECOND HALF IS GIRL LEARNING OCCULT SCIENCE REANIMATE SO SHE CAN WIN BIG DERBY hombredeflorida Necroprancer normal-horoscopes TAGLINE CANT BEAT THIS DEAD HORSE Source: normal-horoscopes #HORRIBLE LAUGH 121,487 notes

A Barrel of Puns to Dive Into

It's shallow, like puns.
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Gamer accidentally bottlenecks his PC for three years | r/tifu u/theRAMlord TIFU by accidentally severely bottlenecking my PC over 3 years. M TL;DR at bottom waffled built my first ever PC around 3.5 years ago s pretty budget but thought 500 spending on parts would be pretty decent. So follow couple youtube tutorials build and everything worked fine first try my absolute surprise. Over course 3 years, lI've never had one problem with other than pretty slow and could only run games on low

Gamer Accidentally Severely Bottlenecks PC For Years

That's a big whoops.
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Guy ends up besting a dodgy travel insurer to the tune of over $9K.

Guy Bests Dodgy Travel Insurer To The Tune Of $9K

Good for him.
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A collection of stories from people that attended weddings that got cancelled.

People's Most Disastrous Wedding Stories

Some weddings just aren't meant to be.
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Girl tries to scam tenant out of rent money, and ends up paying thousands | r/ProRevenge u/Infinite_Number 1d Join 1 1 1 1 Try scam out rent money? Have fun paying back six times amount, losing all friends, and getting exposed lies Obligatory "not sure if this qualifies as pro but is definitely step above petty ultimate result did give immense satisfaction see this girl try scam fail terribly, and have face financial, social, and legal consequences. tl;dr at end, since this is long one. This

Girl Tries To Blackmail Tenant, Ends Up Paying Thousands

Nice try, Wendy.
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A collection of the most mindless things that have been said by credit card customers.

Mindless Things Said By Credit Card Customers

Almost feel bad for them.
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Twitter thread about girl's allergic reaction to grasswheat

Hilarious Twitter Thread On A Girl's Allergic Reaction To Grass/Wheat

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awesome video F1 race car driver takes wife on ride | funny video professional race car driver takes his wife driving and she freaks out

F1 Driver Takes Wife For Ride In Honda Civic, Meltdown Ensues

Ricardo was having way too much fun.
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funny tweets and random thoughts and observations | Rads @FeelingEuphoric THERAPIST: listen really need relax banging fists on table BUT CAN BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR | Dan Sheehan ltsDanSheehan Being grandpa must be tough, some baby mispronounces word and suddenly name is Peepo last 30 years life

Funny Tweets To Remember Later and Chuckle Quietly

Ah yes, insignificant yet amusing observations.
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A collection of times that expectations didn't line up with reality.

Times Expectations Didn't Line Up With Reality

Better luck next time.
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guy leaves funny review for massage parlor

Dude's Colorful Review For Massage Parlor Is a Modern Day Epic

Seems like an effective massage.
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