Totally Looks Like

Mandy Patinkin

Ben Savage (Boy Meets World) Totally Looks Like Mandy Patinkin

actor TLL Mandy Patinkin celeb funny - 6739537920
Created by Shkb4using


cartoons cult films disney inigo montoya Mandy Patinkin movies the princess bride - 1819462400
Created by Madcheshiregirl

Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) Totally Looks Like Rene Descartes

Hall of Fame inigo montoya Mandy Patinkin philosopher philosophy princess bride rené descartes - 4412225792
Created by NurmaKhan

Roger Bart Totally Looks Like Mandy Patinkin

TLL Mandy Patinkin - 7103658240
Created by kmduvaois

John Galecki Totally Looks Like Mandy Patinkin

actor celeb funny johnny galecki Mandy Patinkin TLL - 6619081216
Created by myvanillacoke