
venn diagram

Chart, pizza, venn diagrams, funny memes, charts, similarities, so true, Memes, venn diagram, diagram, meme, too true, citations, differences, funny, funny meme

30 Venn Diagram Memes That Compare and Contrast

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Funny memes using venn diagrams

Venn Diagram Memes That Are Way More Funny Than Useful

Diagrams are supposed to simplify information. In school, venn diagrams were definitely my favorite. It felt like that was the case for everyone. Bar graphs? Lame. Pie chart? They are somewhat better. But nothing compares to the curvature of a proper venn diagram. The overlapping themes are a joy to acknowledge, and the charts are easily converted into extra clever memes and astute observations. While we appreciate a venn diagram that offers us some important information, there's something a bi…
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Funny Memes, Random Memes, Dank Memes, Relatable Memes, Funny Tweets, Funny Comments | staying informed staying off social media preserve my mental health Spongebob trying to read 2 pages at the same time | People at Bakery Woke Up At 6:00am This "Too Many People Are Here This Clerk Is Too Slow Early IF Morning VAin't First Let's Get Bank Robbers Disrogard Grinders This Bread Linos Last Knows These Streets Will Attack Maintain Status Quo Will Hustle Ducks venn diagram

Random Memes & Tweets Of No Consequence

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Sad But True

my 20s 1920s The Great Depression 2020s venn diagram
Via u/silver-zilk

The Perfect Venn Diagram Doesn't Exi-

Funny Tumblr meme depicting a Venn diagram with "starting a fight," "petting a dog," and "consoling a child" Hey buddy | thefirsthogokage But, what are the orange, green, and purple ones... prolifeproliberty Orange: "You want to go outside?" Purple: •shushing noises* Green: "Do you want to call your mommy?"
Via Gingerteal


Funny and strange Venn diagram between Spongebob, Squidward and Patrick from the Nickelodeon TV show Spongebob
Via Wichelmich

Now Find X

Caption that reads, "Things I don't understand - venn diagrams" above a pic of a Venn diagram that's been made completely incorrectly
Via oenavia

So True

Epic Handshake memes where one side represents "Elon Musk" and the other represents "Donald Trump" and the middle represents "Seeing one of their tweets on Reddit and not knowing whether they are real or fake"
Via Dionisprodani
funny memes venn diagram relatable platypus chris hemsworth what is love cory in the house big bang theory tv shows - 6629125

14 Knee-Slapping Venn Diagrams That Will Really Speak To You

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What Do You Do With This Information?

chemistry united states venn diagram What Do You Do With This Information?
Via androidprincess

The Truth About Video Games

PC mac video games venn diagram - 7904539904
Created by Medigo

Aim For the Gutter

future life venn diagram - 4620072448
Created by jnicole.arabelo


ouch pain venn diagram - 5225622272
Created by Psycho_Muffin

I never seen Mean Girls but I bet it's like this Venn

friends venn diagram - 6513258752
Created by buckles_b ( Via Bite )

Points at Impact

angry birds pig venn diagram - 5259181056

Yum! Yum! Grapes! Eww! Mould Now Gross Now Gross Now Gross Now Gross Now Gross Now Gross Yum! Ninja

nom snack venn diagram - 3826371328
1 2 3 4 5