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Technically Correct Test Answers That Deserve an A+ for Humor

Some kids are built for academic tests and some just aren't. But failing at a pop quiz doesn't necessarily mean a kid isn't smart. In fact, a certain kind of “ technically correct ” wrong answer is often a testament to a kid's cleverness. We've collected a bunch of funny examples of wrong exam answers that still deserve an “A” for comedic genius in our eyes. Or at least a couple of pity points.
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funny memes, reddit, funny comments, smart people, nerds, math, math jokes, they did the math, smart ass, funny tweets, knowledge, science, memes | Drunk Jake @TheDrunkJake Owen Wilson has made around $217,838,000 his movies. He averages around 3500 words per movie 47 movies s about $1,324 per word Wow 102 those words. Owen Wilson has made roughly $135,072 saying wow | 4 years ago will pay approximately 28 million dollars monopoly money do this rest record. I6 278 10 Add public reply 4 months

15+ Nerds Who Did the Math For Kicks

Who knew math could be funny
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The More You Know!

Text conversation that reads, "[Person 1] How much would a trip to Spain cost? [Person 2] It depends where you live. For example, if you live in Spain, it's free"
Via ChalkSpoon

Smart-Ass Cat: Your Point Is...?

animemes cat glasses Memes news point problem smart ass - 4966794240
Created by xxpeacelovexxx