

So True!

Caption that reads, "We all ave that one friend we travel with: 'It's not that far, we can walk'" above a map that shows the route to walk from eastern Russia to South Africa
Via anlyin

Me As A Parent

Text that reads, "Heard this little girl in the Wal-Mart parking lot say 'I love you mommy' and the mom sighed and said 'I love you too but you're like really annoying'"
Via LongHairKindaCare
random funny memes

28 Wonderfully Random Memes For Your Viewing Pleasure

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Tweet that reads, "Do you ever just forget to hide your expressions for a minute and then you're like 'whoa I did not mean to make that face out loud'"
Via abarnes7


Caption that reads, "Teacher: has everyone got a partner? Me: oof'' above a pic of a single fish staring down a group of fish in a fish tank
Via Suprememe21
twitter me irl adulting growing up relatable adult adulting tweets literally me funny tweets same - 7293701

14 Relatable Tweets From 'Big Kid Problems' For The Adults Just Trying To Make It Through

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Me But In Green

Text conversation that reads, "[Person 1] Wait, did you just flirt with me? [Person 2] Have been for the past year but thanks for noticing"
Via DiamondFellInLava

Everyone Knows This Feeling

Caption that reads, "When you invite your friend out and they show up with their other friend you can't stand" above a still from a Mario game where Toad says, "Oh. Luigi came too. Super"
Via nothingtowritehomeabout

Me Every Sunday Night

Tweet that reads, "Sometimes you just gotta clean your room and apply an elaborate skincare routine and pretend that's equivalent to getting your life in order"
Via aschoobs

Really Good Idea

Tweet that reads, "Thanksgiving and Christmas should be six months apart, Absurd to see those people again so soon. Insane."
Via anlyin


Tweet that reads, "Was speaking to a nurse on placement and she's like, 'do you ever feel like you use all your niceness at work and then when you get home you're not nice to anyone in the house' and I couldn't relate any more if I tried"
Via anlyin
relatable, adulting, funny memes

17 Relatable Adulting Memes And Tweets For Everyone Who's Trying Their Best

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Caption that reads, "When you texted them at 3:54pm and it's 3:54pm and they still haven't replied" above a pic of a person hitting a button that represents "Overthink"
Via CodyBurkett

Pretty Much

Text that reads, "What fall looks like on the internet" above a pic of a park with colorful leaves everywhere, above a pic of a muddy, gross-looking street and text that reads, "What fall looks like from my window"
Via RandyAndyLive

Mind Blown

Shower Thoughts tweet that reads, "The reason most of us stay up late is because we don't want our free time to end and tomorrow to start"
Via BigFuckingRocket

Embarrassed To Admit This Is True

Tweet that reads, "Gonna need you finish your story real quick so I can tell you how the same thing happened to me, but it's more interesting 'cause I'm in it"
Via RonSwansonsGirl