
nursery rhyme

Gen Z Enters the Workforce: Relatable Kindergarten Teacher Pounds Energy Drinks and Blasts Rap Music in the Parking Lot to get Hyped Before Class and It's a Vibe

Gen Z Enters the Workforce: Relatable Kindergarten Teacher Pounds Energy Drinks and Blasts Rap Music in the Parking Lot to get Hyped Before Class and It's a Vibe

Goes from rated R to G so fast
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Video of a guy playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in the style of each historical era

Guy Demonstrates The Fascinating Evolution Of Music Using 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'

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Ohhh Sh*t.

Caption that reads, "Things just got real" above an illustration of the Big Bad Wolf paying the Kool Aid guy while the three little pigs watch from inside their brick house
Via richprich


Tweet that reads, "I'm 22 years old and I just realized that 'This little piggy went to the market' doesn't mean he went shopping for food"
Via YouAreDrunk


Funny tweet about vegans
Via mrsderekmorgan

Little Miss Muffet Has Had Enough of It

funny memes little miss muffet buick spider