

wage theft, antiwork, anti work, work, jobs, horrible bosses, boss, worker, service industry, labor, reddit, reddit thread, clever comebacks, britain

Shady Boss Tries to Get Away With Wage Theft, Employee Hits Him With Genius Response

Some bosses seem to really go out of their way to be complete a-holes. What's the point of cheating an already underpaid employee out of £20? At that point it's not just about money—it's about exploiting your position of power to take advantage of people just because you can, and that's pretty twisted. One redditor recently shared a text exchange between a restaurant owner and his new employee , who had initially messaged him inquiring about missing wages. Keep scrolling to see how the infuriat…
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Friend Group Throws a USA Themed Party for Their Homie Who Just Became an American Citizen, Freedom Intensifies

Friend Group Throws a USA Themed Party for Their Homie Who Just Became an American Citizen, Freedom Intensifies

Welcome to the U.S. of SLAY
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Fascinating thread about the origin of Jews eating chinese food on Christmas in New York City Lower East Side | megan n'n @kehillahjewess seems like customary Jewish tradition eat Chinese food on Christmas, but have ever wondered where time-honored practice came | late 1880s, many Chinese immigrants moved Lower East Side Manhattan after living California during creation Transcontinental Railroad. Many these families ended up going into restaurant industry and opened up their own businesses.

Twitter Thread Explains Why Jews Eat Chinese Food On Christmas

The more you know.
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Caption that reads, "Him: I bet you get hella DMs; My DMs: ..." above an Instagram screenshot of a message that reads, "Hello, I was wondering if you can marry me so I can gain access to America..."
Via meowmeowmix

A Simple Process

Funny meme about trying to get past the border, cop asks for papers, mexican starts playing rock paper scissors.
Via Masipopal
donald trump immigration reactions list mexico hats twitter - 924421

Apparently Trump's Immigration Policy and "Make America Great Again" Had a Baby, it's This "Make Mexico Great Again Also" Hat

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immigration vine politics - 74888961

Read Between the Holes

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Another Downside to Trump's Immigration Plan

Via Nameless PCs


arizona hilarious idiots immigration mexicans politics - 3494658816
See all captions Created by sjp440

Same Story, Two Perspectives

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Via Bits and Pieces

You First...

mexico immigration stupid people spelling - 8106440704
immigration - 60861185

Do Americans Actually Know the Answers to Questions on the U.S. Citizenship Test?

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Reclaim America From Illegals

immigration sad but true web comics - 8382996736

The People Who Were Here First Frown Upon Your Bullsh*ttery

immigration native americans - 8344829696
Created by Tiny_hay

With Extra Guacamole

immigration tacos america web comics - 8110138880
Via Huge Cartoons

You Tried

english bumper stickers immigration - 8030829312
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